Warning: not a safe zone, no PC allowed


Well-Known Member
"Here's my point - and this is where there's going to be a division within the Democratic Party. It is not good enough for somebody to say "I'm a woman, vote for me." No, that's not good enough. What we need is a woman who has the guts to stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the drug companies, to the fossil fuel industry. In other words, one of the struggles you're going to be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics. I think it's a step forward in America if you have an African-American as CEO of some major corporation. But you know what, if that guy is going to be shipping jobs out of this country and exploiting his workers, it doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot whether he's black or white or Latino." -Bernie Sanders


Well-Known Member
"Here's my point - and this is where there's going to be a division within the Democratic Party. It is not good enough for somebody to say "I'm a woman, vote for me." No, that's not good enough. What we need is a woman who has the guts to stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the drug companies, to the fossil fuel industry. In other words, one of the struggles you're going to be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics. I think it's a step forward in America if you have an African-American as CEO of some major corporation. But you know what, if that guy is going to be shipping jobs out of this country and exploiting his workers, it doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot whether he's black or white or Latino." -Bernie Sanders

Don't lizten 2 that crayz jew, some people might say anything to get in office:-)


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll play. Here's my politically incorrect contribution to this thread:

"Planned Parenthood: helping women and kids everywhere rid their closets of those tiny little skeketons - one at a time (occasionally 2 at a time)."


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll play. Here's my politically incorrect contribution to this thread:

"Planned Parenthood: helping women and kids everywhere rid their closets of those tiny little skeketons - one at a time (occasionally 2 at a time)."

What happened to your original account, dumb cuck sock puppet?


Well-Known Member
I have something to say. fuck political correctness, how bout some fucking social standards, bunch of bottom of the barrel shit bags who talk and act like bottom of the barrel shit bags, grow the fuck up get a real job make some fucking cash. as your class level changes from poor old fuckity shit bag to middle class fuckity shit bag to upper middle class fuckity shit bag so will your social standards and yes you wear a fucking suit to work if you work in an office and contribute to society like a world class shit bag and stop acting like a poor ass bottom of the barrel shit bag. it's time to hang up the concert t shirts shit bags and put on your grown up panties.

And pickle butts, who the fuck eats pickle butts? if I owned a pickle company I'd fucking cut the fucking pickle butts off before jarring them up no one wants to eat the fucking pickle buttsď


Well-Known Member
I have something to say. fuck political correctness, how bout some fucking social standards, bunch of bottom of the barrel shit bags who talk and act like bottom of the barrel shit bags, grow the fuck up get a real job make some fucking cash. as your class level changes from poor old fuckity shit bag to middle class fuckity shit bag to upper middle class fuckity shit bag so will your social standards and yes you wear a fucking suit to work if you work in an office and contribute to society like a world class shit bag and stop acting like a poor ass bottom of the barrel shit bag. it's time to hang up the concert t shirts shit bags and put on your grown up panties.

And pickle butts, who the fuck eats pickle butts? if I owned a pickle company I'd fucking cut the fucking pickle butts off before jarring them up no one wants to eat the fucking pickle buttsď
If you chop it, it spoils quicker.