warlock + bcn diesel


Active Member
hellpppp plzzzz . i germinated both these seeds, both female, after they germned i threw them into soil, 2marow will make 7 days since i threw into soil and still no sprout. should i keep waiting or start working on new ones?


Well-Known Member
wish we could go inside the bean and see what the problem is :\ i hate that feeling. 7 days is a while.

whenever i want to check if the seeds are still viable, i squeeze em between my fingers.
a good bean wont pop.
u might have very tough seed shells preventing sprouting. if u could rub em a bit with sandpaper it may help.


I agree, use a small tool and softly dig down by scratching softly the dirt as you slowly penetrate the soil you will find the seed. You'll feel it, dig around the hard seed shell and expose the root.
If it has a white root it is still alive and you should carefully close the hole and relax Green will be popping up in a day or 2.. DONT OVER HEAT the soil hoping to make it grow faster, to easy to burn that little girl. ..and don't over water, moist is best
Good Luck