Warbama sat back and watched ISIS take over a town...


Whats your take on the 5 Gitmo war generals being released for battle in trade for a POS runner?
1 They should of been released or had a trial years ago. No country wants to take them back.
2 we should of used a drone strike against the deserter and not had to worry about his silly ass anymore
1 They should of been released or had a trial years ago. No country wants to take them back.
2 we should of used a drone strike against the deserter and not had to worry about his silly ass anymore


I agree with there should of been a military trial for sure. And the drone I am with you on that. And really it would be easier to kill them if you let them go. imo

There was some kind of military trial on the runner but I heard the pentagon won't release the info now for some reason. That sucks, i wanted to here how our military handles a runner that was traded for some high ranking generals.

I agree with there should of been a military trial for sure. And the drone I am with you on that. And really it would be easier to kill them if you let them go. imo

There was some kind of military trial on the runner but I heard the pentagon won't release the info now for some reason. That sucks, i wanted to here how our military handles a runner that was traded for some high ranking generals.

Seems the prisoner swap was all about diplomacy. I agree with on a military trial (and still do) but doubt he will be court martialed due to the publicity and special interest he's received from the white house.


The handover was carefully orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency, with operators from an Army Special Operations unit providing the boots on the ground to secure the Taliban’s prisoner: Bowe Bergdahl. The men of JSOC had eyes on Bergdahl for over three months, but were waiting for the situation to fully develop. For various reasons, it appears that for Bergdahl to be released, everything needed to line up diplomatically rather than tactically.

I agree with there should of been a military trial for sure. And the drone I am with you on that. And really it would be easier to kill them if you let them go. imo

There was some kind of military trial on the runner but I heard the pentagon won't release the info now for some reason. That sucks, i wanted to here how our military handles a runner that was traded for some high ranking generals.
War on terror, a war.

During war prisoner exchanges are a simple procedure of swapping prisoners back to their country/nation of origin before capture. Since the United States allegedly tries to adhere to the Geneva Conventions a prisoner swap would only be reasonable. Standard procedure during long conflicts, exchanges are common throughout history practically everywhere.

The trade may not have been equal, but an American service member was recovered.

Extrajudicial assassination of anyone is a violation of human rights, everyone deserves their day in court, always, everytime, forever.

I agree with there should of been a military trial for sure. And the drone I am with you on that. And really it would be easier to kill them if you let them go. imo

There was some kind of military trial on the runner but I heard the pentagon won't release the info now for some reason. That sucks, i wanted to here how our military handles a runner that was traded for some high ranking generals.
Wouldnt it be funny if the release of those detainees lead to the death of even higher ranking Taliban?
Like they are being watched, monitored and followed 24 hours a day.
Of course by international law they would have had to of been released at the end of this year anyways
I do not agree, as some Republicans are already arguing, that these individuals should not have been released. In my view, the U.S. would not be able to hold them forever. Indeed, it is likely that the U.S. would be required, as a matter of international law, to release them shortly after the end of 2014, when U.S. combat operations cease in Afghanistan. The Administration appears to have reached a defensible, hold-your-nose compromise by arranging, in exchange for the release of Sergeant Bergdahl, for the individuals to be held in Qatar for a year before they return to Afghanistan.

That was written by this left wing guy named John Bellinger

Maybe you have heard of him

John B. Bellinger III is a partner in the international and national security law practices at Arnold & Porter LLP in Washington, DC. He is also Adjunct Senior Fellow in International and National Security Law at the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as The Legal Adviser for the Department of State from 2005–2009, as Senior Associate Counsel to the President and Legal Adviser to the National Security Council at the White House from 2001–2005, and as Counsel for National Security Matters in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice from 1997–2001. Full bio »
I sure hope that never happens, mass depopulation would be a good thing for planet earth, but a lingering death zone would not.

In a way a dark part of me wants this Ebola to get out of hand and kill 90% of the world population. That is really the only way I see the earth being able to survive the cancer of humanity.

Well, if we glass over the mid-east so that only hardened, high-tech robotics can get the oil....yeah that might be messy. I got it.

An Ebola Bomb? Nah, too much lingering smell. Oh oh...I got it.

Isn't this what the nuetron bomb is for? :)
Wouldnt it be funny if the release of those detainees lead to the death of even higher ranking Taliban?
Like they are being watched, monitored and followed 24 hours a day.

Their parole might include implanted radio activated bombs. Then they are a bomber of jihad, not a bomber for jihad.
Thats not my point. I understand what you are saying but what I am saying is that ISIS has been piled up outside of Kobani* for the past 3 weeks. They have tanks lined up, artillery lined up, troups lined up and we are busy bombing targets with nothing there. There is an article somewhere with a journalist interviewing the Kurds who are/were fighting ISIS in that town and pictures of 1000's of ISIS marshalled outside, pictures of a parking lot area FILLED with ISIS vehicles, etc.. Yet we cant fly over an drop a bomb on 500 armored vehicles? We use a 1.5mil tomahawk missle to take out an abandoned vehicle in the desert instead?

No Drama has it right. We are NOT after ISIS, we are herding ISIS to overrun towns/villages and create massive chaos.
How can liberals (peace lovers) stand behind a president that is willing to conduct this type of warfare? If you think Obama is not a big part of it, you are fooling yourself. How many times in the past has he come on tv and cried about how the Reps weren't doing what he wanted? If he wanted to help the Kurds he would have been all over the TV telling the American people how we MUST support the Kurds. Shit from what I can tell they are the only people over there deserving of help. They are willing to fight, outmanned, outgunned and outsupplied.

ISIS Is already in that town. The fighting is hand to hand already. Don't you see the big picture?

TURKEY must save that town. And really to do that, Turkey must pull an Article 5 out of NATO. An Attack on one is an Attack on all. The USA is NATO. And ISIS will begin shelling into Turkey from there, to stop refugees and to defend their illegal oil routes. Then NATO will fall on them full weight.

Any random bombing a la a Press soaked formula is not going to happen here. NATO and the Turkey Parliament have gone EXTREME this last year, and obviously they are not sharing the timeline. But, in order to seal the elections this year, Obama also has a domestic timeline.

You will see what is about to happen, and you will mark my words.

And why are you following much less believing the PRESS? An article somewhere? Some "Kurd" fighter said? Please, we are deep in Operational Deception and have been your entire life.

I do not think ISIS has mass Armor there for us to Bomb. You do not do that if there is Air Superiority.

You are not thinking here, though i know you are good thinker.
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Obama hasn't committed your forces to ground combat as yet and they air strikes you've led have been so successful :dunce:.
Obama is just a rotting turd - much like your mind.

easy for the aussies to say..you're an island out in the middle of bum-fucked-egypt and are relatively safe..for now..like the others, if you were in trouble, Tony Abbott would be on the Bat phone to the good ole US of A, as well:wink:

EDIT: can i come visit?..you have a huge house and i need a vacation.
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easy for the aussies to say..you're an island out in the middle of bum-fucked-egypt and are relatively safe..for now..like the others, if you were in trouble, Tony Abbott would be on the Bat phone to the good ole US of A, as well:wink:

EDIT: can i come visit?..you have a huge house and i need a vacation.

Well, actually you have plenty of vacations planned and your single, gone gallivanting, days may be over.

...but, not gallivanting, itself, of course. That is still on! :)
easy for the aussies to say..you're an island out in the middle of bum-fucked-egypt and are relatively safe..for now..like the others, if you were in trouble, Tony Abbott would be on the Bat phone to the good ole US of A, as well:wink:

EDIT: can i come visit?..you have a huge house and i need a vacation.

We will always be safe honey - that stems from our post Vietnam "fortress Australia" policy where instead of fucking with the world, we worried about Australia. Our domestic counter terrorism policy is head a shoulders above yours, we are one of the few countries to have access to your intelligence including TS/SCI/NONFORN i could go on but that's just the start.

Oh and Obama rang Abbott to get him on board with Iraq v3 and all Obama asked for was the Australian Special Air Service Regiment.

You, as a country, have multiple SOF to overlay specific problems. We have 2 full time regiments.

That's because NO ONE does LRRP like us.
We will always be safe honey - that stems from our post Vietnam "fortress Australia" policy where instead of fucking with the world, we worried about Australia. Our domestic counter terrorism policy is head a shoulders above yours, we are one of the few countries to have access to your intelligence including TS/SCI/NONFORN i could go on but that's just the start.

Oh and Obama rang Abbott to get him on board with Iraq v3 and all Obama asked for was the Australian Special Air Service Regiment.

You, as a country, have multiple SOF to overlay specific problems. We have 2 full time regiments.

That's because NO ONE does LRRP like us.

so you're from australia, just like echelon1k1?

I'm probably not the only aussie on here you moron...

Don't make me start posting your rape quotes sicko...

i'm not making you do anything, echelon.

just doing a public service reminder so no one forgets that you were a three time member of the RIU holocaust denual and white supremacy group, you accumulation of animal stool.
That's not even me you fetid shit for brains...

Go to know you consider it a public service when I warn people you're a snitching rapist and long time stormfront member in good standing.

You remember stormfront don't you? You post there often enough you racist scumbag
That's not even me you fetid shit for brains...

Go to know you consider it a public service when I warn people you're a snitching rapist and long time stormfront member in good standing.

You remember stormfront don't you? You post there often enough you racist scumbag

that's not my profile.

but funny that you would try to use membership in a white nationalist group as an insult, since you were a three time member of RIU's white nationalist groups, echelon1k1.