War On Drugs? Fight Back With Weed. What Do You Think?


Active Member
:joint:weed is a plant that can grow almost anywhere so i say save the seeds out of your personal stash buy seeds online save our seeds and on 4-20-11 lets start a epidimic an outbreak in weed plants all over the U.S. what can they do plant your seeds every where and anywhere sometimes we have to fight back for what we believe in weed does not hurt or kill anyone like the the booze but booze is legal and weed isnt thats because the real gangsters fought for what they believed in and thought was right im not telling anyone to kill for the pot but quite the opposit grow pot plants everywhere outside to help them make up thier minds about making it legal what do you guys think about that :joint::joint::joint::peace::joint::joint::peace::blsmoke:
Don't even fucking think about it. I'm an outdoor grower and the last thing I want is rouge males around my property I don't know about. Great idea though! I've had the same thought myself, let's see them stop it if it's everywhere!
also - when they started eradicating "marihuana" they went and ripped down thousands and thousands of acres of non-psychoactive 'ditch weed' which they still do - it is not beyond their capability to spend millions of dollars to do it again.. something like 97% of what the CAMP type organizations do is to rip up patches of ditch weed and hemp..
yes, you are right. they would waste plenty of our tax payers money to destroy a lot of the crops, but they would never be able to get them all. think about it they may destroy all the seeds i plant they may even get all of the ones you plant but what if everyone that has a rollitup account saved seeds all year around do you know how many plants would just pop up mot just one or two places but everywhere. an about that you being an outdoor farmer that would give you more time to feel safe growing indoors we all know thats the best anyways.
i think that if everyone was just honest and came out and said "hi i'm chad (or whatever) and i'm a doctor, lawyer, cop, teacher, construction worker, bank manager, politician, criminal (whatever) AND I SMOKE WEED" everyone would be astounded at the numbers... it would force people to realize that they are not alone, and also plenty of "normal" types of folks use herb all the time, and the only way that it will ruin their life is if they get caught... the time has come and gone for legalization, we have to seize the momentum now; this moment in history to right generations of wrongs... vote yes on everything you can get your hands on. tell your representatives that this is a key issue and that you will not back down, and prohibition would be over tomorrow... lets get it started... now!
That wouldn't be enough if we dont fight back its not gonna happen or if you are just waiting for uncle sam to tell you its cool you will be waiting they are making more money sending you to court and selling it certain places if they made that shit legal it would loose value quick everyone would have it
It's gonna be legalized, and soon. The only people that will be effected are the ones that grow for money and not everyone is gonna grow their own just because they can. How much it sells for doesn't matter to the government, only that it will be taxed.
The american government would spin it stating that it was legit fields and that they should raise the budget to fight it. You know how it goes unfortunately.