War officially starts tommorow

CEO's are not babies. Good CEO's are rare. Considering how much they are paid, I'm offended by how many bad CEO's I've known. It is one of the tenets of good governance that we hold the people who made the decisions accountable and responsible. That doesn't seem to happen with the fat cats.
Case by case, dude, case by case...

Change CEO to "black people" or "Jews" in your above post and see how the idea of excessive generalization works out.
Case by case, dude, case by case...
Where is Control Data Corp? JDS Uniphase? Just some of dozens, if not hundreds of casualties of inept leadership.

@Fogdog is right on this, and he's right in pointing the finger at a systemic problem of American corporate management.

Frankly, tech isn't the only place it happens. It's the same damned thing all over the American economic scene. Fucking General Electric just managed to get itself kicked off the Dow 30.

Guess who suffers? Yep, everyone who doesn't have a wood paneled corner office.
Yes, I do wonder why you scream so much about obvious facts.

It's not as if your repetitive and mundane rants are great news.

First you whine about how I'm wrong- then you whine about how obvious it is.

You and the rest of your merry band of establishment Democrat bullshit artists have been breaking my balls about this and related subjects for years.

So yeah, I'm going to take a victory lap since you're being so immature about it.

Now fucking grow up or update your meds. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
Lol. I have kicked your ass up and down the street tonight, stopped to have a smoke and did it again.

I can't stop you from taking a victory lap any more than I can stop Trump from claiming victory when he reversed himself on child separation of immigrants. You and Trump are cut from the same cloth - but he is much smarter.
Lol. I have kicked your ass up and down the street tonight, stopped to have a smoke and did it again.

I can't stop you from taking a victory lap any more than I can stop Trump from claiming victory when he reversed himself on child seleration of immigrants. You and Tru.p are cut from the same cloth - but he is much smarter.
So when you've utterly failed in every way, you resort to just manufacturing your own narrative. And you accuse me of acting like the Chump? GTFO

Have another smoke. While you're at it, call in for a meds update.
Case by case, dude, case by case...

Change CEO to "black people" or "Jews" in your above post and see how the idea of excessive generalization works out.
There is such a thing as a group of people who are called CEO and the ones I'm talking about make huge salaries. Their performance or more rightly their company's performance can be tracked, their pay can be compared to performance and we can learn some surprising things with data analysis such as this.

In a study that I cited earlier (and am reposting the link here), the researchers found no relationship between the amount in a CEO's pay package and their performance. A CEO can be paid $20 million or $60,000 and the 20 million dollar fat cat is not necessarily any better at producing performance than the low dollar cat. There are other studies like this. It's been known for more than a decade.

I'm not making a morality case out of this. That study shows that a typical Board of Directors has poor ability to choose good leadership. They might as well "splatter paint on a wall" to choose the new CEO. Whatever it is they are doing isn't working.
There is such a thing as a group of people who are called CEO and the ones I'm talking about make huge salaries. Their performance or more rightly their company's performance can be tracked, their pay can be compared to performance and we can learn some surprising things with data analysis such as this.

In a study that I cited earlier (and am reposting the link here), the researchers found no relationship between the amount in a CEO's pay package and their performance.

I'm not making a morality case out of this. That study shows that a typical Board of Directors has poor ability to choose good leadership. They might as well "splatter paint on a wall" to choose the new CEO. Whatever it is they are doing isn't working.

Couple that knowledge with the one where on average, CEO's are making 300 - 400 times what an unskilled worker makes. In no other country is there such a large pay gap. Not even close. On one hand, we know that CEO pay doesn't relate to a company's performance and on the other hand we know that the pay gap between CEO's and workers in the US is huge and peculiar to the US. Put the two together and we can see that money is being wasted on an inefficient system for picking CEOs. That money is going into CEO's pockets. So this is where the sense of outrage about US CEO pay begins.
This has a lot to do with the uniquely American practice of having CEOs sitting on one another's corporate boards and/or compensation committees.

Works out just great! ...at least for them.
This has a lot to do with the uniquely American practice of having CEOs sitting on one another's corporate boards and/or compensation committees.

Works out just great! ...at least for them.
Unlike you, I'm not going to jump at the flashy easy sounding explanation. I think it's complicated how we got here and going to be complicated getting us out. What you said is one factor. There are others. What we are NOT seeing is any motivation from the boards to improve their candidate selection methodology. As you say this may be due to favoritism but it can be just as likely due to laziness or fear of change or ignorance or something else.
Unlike you, I'm not going to jump at the flashy easy sounding explanation. I think it's complicated how we got here and going to be complicated getting us out. What you said is one factor. There are others. What we are NOT seeing is any motivation from the boards to improve their candidate selection methodology. As you say this may be due to favoritism but it can be just as likely due to laziness or fear of change or ignorance or something else.
Not disagreeing but this is certainly a big part of the issue.

It's the kind of thing that doesn't get addressed via shareholder activism or the usual checks on manner, hence the extremity of the problem.
Not all CEOs are Warren Buffet, dude. Lol.

EU will move closer to China to replace our output. Wait and see.

On a more personal note, motherfucker put tariffs on a lot of electronic components I order from China.

Maybe those second amendment people will realize he's a traitor and sort it out for us. But that would be a terrible day.

thoughts and prayers on that day.
Lots of American companies like Apple source products from around the world and then assemble them in China. Expect to see the price of those rise soon.
May not be a great time for America to have a trade war with the EU and China and Canada and anyone else I haven't mentioned. Especially with the expected interest rate rises coming.

On a positive note our (Australian) stock market is at record highs. We expect to do very, very, well out of this trade war.