War and the constitution.


Active Member
I'm interested in everyone's opinion on this subject. I was talking to a friend of mine about Iraq and Bush and so on.... I brought up the fact that he was acting like a dictator and went to war without congress declaring war and how it was unconstitutional to do so. they said I was totaly wrong, and that congress did declare war in Iraq. Interesting I thought.... history being revised again by the right. congress has not declared war since WWII. but how could I argue the facts with someone thats not willing to look at them because they are blinded by partisanship. Shouting about how Obama steps on the constitution.

I keep hearing about the constitution and how its getting stepped on by this admin. Whats the constitution say about declaring war? and have we followed the constitution since world war 2? Nope, every president since wwII has stomped on it. and its only brought up now? Why? Because they are looking for anything to bash our president. this should have been a discusion a long time ago, we should not have let every president (left or right) act like a dictator. no matter if your for or against the war, its unconstitutional to go to war without a declaration from congress.

But its not about all that, its about the right wanting Obama to fail and they will say anything, even act hypicritical to say he is failing. The ones fighting against Obama should have opened thier eyes before now, thats why I feel the right is unwilling to see any other point of view, and are quick to throw away the facts if it supports their viewpoint, or talking point.

Colin Powel? Petraeus? are they wrong? saying that we are not any less safe because of Obama?


Well-Known Member
however much you may want to blame baby bush for digging us into a hole in the middle east, he did not act unilaterally when he moved us into iraq. though it's true congress never authorized a declaration of war, such formalities are not needed for our troops to engage an enemy. on october 16, 2002 congress authorized the invasion of iraq and no amount of whining is ever going to change that fact. this is perfectly legal and has, in fact, been how we have entered into most of this country's military engagements.

on the other hand, the expansion of power attempted by brak and his crew is clearly contrary to the intent, if not the letter, of the constitution.


New Member
Yes, there were resolutions in place at the end of desert Storm that allowed us back in without a declaration. It wasn't over. Good thing too.