Wanting to start a Hydro Grow, Pics of grow area, new to this please help :D


Active Member
Hey all, i recently put a deposit on this rental house, and the basement is where ill be having my ladies grow, i have so many q uestions but will limit them because alot of my questions can be answered as i keep reading.

I am worried about this basement because of bugs, See the concrete only goes about 4 1/2 feet on the ground and the surrounding goes into the foundation under the house, i plan on putting a Tarp perhaps? To keep anything large out, Wood/Sheetrock, SOMTHING.

I am Wanting to Grow Hydro, Am i going to have to worry about bugs? - Im looking to have a system where i can harvest quick, but i want Quality and Quanity, im looking to commercial thease, and show my friends what a bag of bud looks like without the seeds, haha, So i want to always be harvesting, But not ignoring the sweet taste and potency of my bud.

See, i planned on growing soil, but until i read up on Hydro, seems like it suits me more - im wanting to Harvest, 3-5 pounds per harvest ( Hopefully every 2 months? )

Anyhow- This is my Space im working with, unfortunatly i didnt get the measurments, its a wierd room, has a water heater, taking out a Quater of the room.
Please excuse the Spray paint, its how it came.

Lets see , i am a very short dude, i am like 5'4 5'5 , and the ceilling goes another 10 inches...

So some additional Info..

My problem is figuring out what kind of hydro system i want, Drip system or EB & flow, im not sure, is th ere a site with the pro's and cons?

Money is limited, i can spend a few 100, not including the lights, - Not sure about the strain yet.

once i DO find a strain i like, im gonna be getting some mothers

I was wondering if anyone had a AIM screen name i can talk with for a few mins when they have time..

Thanks everyone, i will keep reading!

So sorry for where the link is comming from - I cant get it to attach



Active Member


Active Member
Yep,4 plants got a QP or alittle more off a soil grow :D

germinating some AK47 right now, going to attempt a SoG


Well-Known Member
Your NOT going to be able to harvest 3-5 pounds with only a few hundred
dollars. In fact you won't harvest that much with only $1000 dollars.
Maybe if you had about 3-4 thousand.

The reality is, Hydroponic growing is a hell of alot more expensive than soil
growing. I'm not going to sit here and itemize every little thing you'll need
to start growing hydro.
Hydroponic growing takes extreme nuturing.
I see alot of people are turned on by the idea of going hydro because
watering is automated by timers. This is probably the only easy aspect
of hydro.
Everything else takes patience, research, and extreme care.


Well-Known Member
I think hydro is pretty easy. Helluva lot cleaner and way more inconspicuous than carrying bags of soil into the house. It is true you need to research some. I think its even good to get your groove on with a soil grow first and move on from there... But I wouldn't say it takes more work than soil.. In my experience it is way less.

Do you even grow hydro?? Hempy buckets are an almost foolproof hydro method.. dwc is super quick and easy.. I think there are misconceptions that hydro is really expensive and difficult.


Well-Known Member
But I wouldn't say it takes more work than soil.. In my experience it is way less.
Hydro growing is just as messy as soil, if not messier....
Every week I change my nutrient out for 4 resevoirs and this is what it entails for each one.
Dumping out my resevoir
Scrub out all the sediment in resevoir
Clean drain and fill lines
Clean pump and filter
Take plants out of planter tray
Scrub out all the sediment in planter tray

Then put it all back together, and putting in fresh nutrient.
When putting in fresh nutrient, it entails alot of measuring & weighing.
I have 12 different items that I have to mix for my vegetative resevoirs.
I have 16 different items that I have to mix for my flowering resevoirs.

When growing in soil, you don't have to go through even half of what I
through. For soil all you need is a dust buster.


Well-Known Member
well not all hydro set ups use quite that much work kudos for the work u do but i use a dwc set wit multiple 5 gallon bucket setups and it stays pretty clean i was happy wit my build

The Big Man

Active Member
Hydro is not very forgiving like soil. I love & grow hydro. Hydro needs daily attention for light adjustments Co2 is a big plus. The plants will grow an inch a day or much if you have good additives.


Active Member
well not all hydro set ups use quite that much work kudos for the work u do but i use a dwc set wit multiple 5 gallon bucket setups and it stays pretty clean i was happy wit my build
i was going to try dwc but i am not sure how to set up ca you give me any pointers???:idea:


Well-Known Member
basic diy dwc set up rubbermaid tub wit airstone on the bottom basic aqarium air pump baskets to hold the claypellets
srry as much as i can say im to high maybe ill come on later and do better haha

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Hydro growing is just as messy as soil, if not messier....
Every week I change my nutrient out for 4 resevoirs and this is what it entails for each one.
Dumping out my resevoir
Scrub out all the sediment in resevoir
Clean drain and fill lines
Clean pump and filter
Take plants out of planter tray
Scrub out all the sediment in planter tray

Then put it all back together, and putting in fresh nutrient.
When putting in fresh nutrient, it entails alot of measuring & weighing.
I have 12 different items that I have to mix for my vegetative resevoirs.
I have 16 different items that I have to mix for my flowering resevoirs.

When growing in soil, you don't have to go through even half of what I
through. For soil all you need is a dust buster.
12 different additives!!!!
16 different additives in flowering?!!
Please explain because all i need is flower and bloom nutes, cal-mag plus, liquid karma, and h202 and im happy with that.
Your right on the work part, cleaning resevoirs out is a bitch! i keep empty cleaned resevoirs on hand and just pull a switch when cleaning.