Wanting to start a dispensary


Hypothetically speaking, if I was to come up with a business plan to start a dispensary, would you hint to your investor or bank that you are a grower if your state is not legal yet?
maybe its because your question was stupid. If you look at any banking information you would know that banks dont lend to pot growers. Pot is still illegal with the feds and banks are federally insured, they dont want to lose it.
First off thank you for your response, I appreciate it. But an unasked question is a stupid question. I figured I could get my question answered on a Mary Jane forum I'm on. But thanks
Good luck with that dream Mr.Rollup. Quite honestly though if you don't already know the answer to that question then you're already way in over your head. You better have a masters in business before you even attempt to open a dispensary if you want to be successful.
Why bother even starting one when you'll have a lot less headaches and make just as much supplying one?.
Well,if youre state isnt legal yet..how are you going to open a dispensary anyway? Either way,no place like a bank is going to lend money for anything weed related. You need money to make money, especially in this business. Either your own or from private investors.