Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99


Active Member
Finally getting back on here after a busy couple of weeks. A little update here, and off to read some of my favorite subs. My girls have been jarred for 3 weeks and a couple of days. The aroma when you open them is mellowing out but I would say pineapple at the first whiff. They seemed to be more grapefruit when growing, especially if you rubbed a stem. Lets just say that I love opening the jar lid. :lol: The final weight as of yesterday was 263 grams or 9.4 oz; roughly 2.3 oz per plant. If you recall from the grow, there seemed to be two different phenos, (the two on the left vs the two on the right). I kept them separate when I chopped and have them in different jars. What was funny was that one jar weighed 132 grams and the other weighed 131 grams. I used one gallon glass jars and they barely fit in at first. I love the way the buds feel now after 3+ weeks of curing. I used a hygrometer in each jar, and Simon's "The Perfect Cure" method and it was very easy. I highly recommend it. I also used a 62% humidipak in each jar after getting close to that point naturally. My hygrometers show 62-63% continuously and the cure is amazing. That weight for 4 plants probably wouldn't make some happy. Since I only vegged with a 400 W MH and flowered with a 430 W HPS and no side lighting, I think that it went well. A scrog would have spread things out for sure and I may try that with fewer plants next time. I have 9.4 oz of C'99 that will keep me happy for quite some time. :joint: Which reminds me, has anyone here ever put some bud in the freezer for long term storage? I have a food saver vacuum sealer that I was thinking of using to seal some up and freeze. I'm not sure how long that jarred bud will keep even at a perfect 62%. Advise would be appreciated. As for smoke, what can I say. For me, 3 hits and I'm nicely ripped for a couple of hours. It's a high that will still allow you to function and it makes me laugh. We watched "Family Guy" the other night and I enjoyed the C'99 effect. After the high wears off a bit, it's a nice mellow buzz that will allow you to just sit back and enjoy. That's my take on it, yours may vary. I wouldn't want to try to sleep right away, but 3 1/2 hours after smoking, I was drowsy and slept very well. Thanks again to those who subbed my thread and were very forthcoming with advise. You know who you are, and if we ever meet up, I owe you a big, fat, joint.


Well-Known Member
Congrats man, great write up and I'm glad it turned out well for ya! Thats not a bad haul for the wattage you ran, and it is funny that each side ended up yield about the same. Let us know when you try the other pheno I'm curious if the taste or anything will be different or if it was just growth. From my understanding you can keep properly dried buds in glass in the dark for years with little to no poor effect. I would be afraid the freezer would really damage the material over long term, like when you leave a steak at the back of the freezer for to long.

You gonna make any hash, oil, or edibles from the trim or any of the bud?


Well-Known Member
That's exactly how I would describe the high to GD. It's not a 'stoned retarded' strain, but really, is being stoned retarded desirable?.. a functional high is better imo, you get to do what you wanna do and be stoned at the same time. Instead of being totally incapacitated. It's definitely a nice buzz mind, really perfect weed. Best part is little tolerance build up, it still gets you nice and buzzed over and over again..

I'm gonna do
sage next grow, when I feel it's safe, and if it doesn't live up to cindys standards i'm just gonna do cindy from then on. You did great though man you should be proud and 10 zips from 4 plants is not to be sniffed at either.

Kite did your sage reek bad? I heard it's somewhat stealthy...

Kite High

Well-Known Member
it smelled but not bad...here is a tip...happy plants dont stink much...stress em then they stink

its really good weed too the SAGE...just not trippy enough.. I am surprised that you did not mention trippiness much as c99 makes me see cartoons on the walls and ceilings...Family Guy, Aquateen, Squidbillies and Superjail would trail and shift like mad for me on cindy


Well-Known Member
There was a trippy aspect kite, I did get the odd 'was my gf not just sitting there' or ' did I just see something move in the corner of my eye ' moment. I guess though maybe its a harvest window type thing.. not all setups are created equally and my 52 day harvest may have less or more of one thing or other than you guys.. just a thought... or maybe it was my phenol .. it was a little trippy though.. hope next time i get a better trippyness, I will definitely be doing c99 again, absolutely loved it.


Well-Known Member
Awesome write up Great Dane, good to hear your results and even better about the stone you get, im getting very keen to rip out the C99 next :D


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed C99 quite a bit the first (and only time) I ever had it, I picked some up at a festival 3 years ago and had never even heard of it at the time... Now I am growing Cluster Bomb which is a cross of C99/Bomb and Skunk #1 pretty eager to get harvested and try it out myself. :)


Well-Known Member
Kite I posted a question for you In my nl thread.. i'll post again here for you to. You are saying about cannabis needing low p, higher calcium.. I have a botte of chilli food that seems to tick all the right boxes.. going to try doing my next grow using it.. what do you think of these values..

Chilli Focus - with added seaweed

Instructions for use- 5ml per litre to young seedlings and plants, 10ml per litre from the onset of fruiting/flowering

NPK - 3 : 1 : 4.4

Analysis %w/v

Nitrogen (n) 2.95

Nitrate Nitrogen 2.80

Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.15

Phosphorus Pentoxide 0.96

Potassium Oxide 4.41

Calcium Oxide 2.20

Copper Chelated by edta 0.002

Iron chelated by edta 0.040

Manganese chelated by edta 0.010

molybdenum 0.001

zinc chelated by edta 0.0025

Also contains Magnesium, sulphur, boron, cobalt, nickel, humic acid, fulvic acid (no values with these)

Think this would work for a cannabis grow to?


i just went through this whole thread and now i feel like sharing.

C99 day 48:


plant to the right of it is lemon kush.

i've very excited about this so i just had to share. smells like friggin grapefruits. WHAT THE FUCK.:lol:

(12/12 from seed, btw. topped and pinched it to keep it short. is for fun.)


not sure! those pistil's JUST started browning and i've yet to look at the trichomes. i will tonight, though. i'm thinking i'll let her go at least another week. maybe more. i want her to be chunkayyyy :).

anyone's thought's on the matter?