Want To Yield More & Save Money?!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be posting my full LED indoor grow as I start building and getting stuff in BUT here is a golden trick for indoor growers. Ya can thank me by sending me a nug ;)

The Dry/Dark Cycle
This technique is awesome and gains close to the same yield increase as I got from adding Co2. You start by lowering the amount of water you are giving to your plants about 1 week before harvest. I typically reduce by about half. The goal is to have the containers bone dry at 3 days til harvest. At this point, 3 days before harvest, turn off your lights completely and forget about your plants. Then go in after the 3rd day and harvest as normal.

What this does is it tells the plant it is dying. The defense mechanism for this makes the plant send its resin from the leaves and stems into the buds (where it thinks it's seeds are). What happens is you literally lose less weight when drying, by replacing the water with resin.

Really looking forward to showing the world, that award winning, dense, connoisseur cannabis can be grown under just LEDs.

I'll give it a try something as simple as that if it raises my yields by an oz it's worth it. Thanks for the tip and the nug is in the mail as always.. Lol
Lol. Plants naturally uptake half the water they normally do at the last 2 weeks anyway. Everyone knows about the dark cycle for increased resin and calyx production. ..
Lol. Plants naturally uptake half the water they normally do at the last 2 weeks anyway. Everyone knows about the dark cycle for increased resin and calyx production. ..
I had heard of it just had never tried it or if I did I have forgotten.. Lol I haven't really been into the scene the last couple years just kind of half ass. Now it's full on kickin ass I guess after 25 years of mega grows sometimes you just need to step back and take a break .
Lol. Plants naturally uptake half the water they normally do at the last 2 weeks anyway. Everyone knows about the dark cycle for increased resin and calyx production. ..

Wow "everyone" huh? Several people I have talked to have not heard of it before, so I guess I must have told the last few people right? ;)
same un proven rhetoric that everyone spews out to one another, any actual scientific studies around it point to an opposite conclusion.