• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Want to try shrooms


Active Member
im actually a veteran shroom grower.
and a mod on a shroom website.

being here makes me feel like i am an ambassador to my plant cousins. lol
im a plant noob, but im a shroom expert.

i just recently made a bottle of shroom everclear. and it worked out very well.

I highly recommend the ground into dust (coffee grinder) and peanut butter method. you dont taste anything!
or make peanut butter (tripping) balls
take a big spoonfull of peanut butter, slap it on a piece of wax paper, add your ground up dose to it, and crushed gram crackers, then powdered sugar to taste. then roll into a ball and put in the freezer for 45min. for bonus points roll in chocolate chips or nuts.

for beginners i recommend between 1.8 (16th) to 2grams
taking less then 1.5 grams just makes me feel weird and figidity almost uncomfortable for a few hours. just like i cant get comfortable. i dont like taking doses lower then 1.5g

i kinda disagree with saying you can always take more, but never less. while what you say is true, i could never eat more once im tripping. its just not going to happen.
once i take my first bite, i literally have a 45min window to take whatever im going to take. before it starts comming on, and once that happens there isnt taking any more for me.

doses and experiences are like this for me.

tripping is like experiencing water for the first time. it is a very alien substance, think of it as if you have never felt "wet" before.

taking 2grams is like going into a swimming pool up to your waist.
you can see the water, you can splash around in it. and you feel pretty much in control. you are in the shallow end. not too much can go wrong.

taking 3 grams is like having the water up to your nipples. can still be fun, but might be a little un-nearving if your not careful. the water is a little more threatening, and you have a little less control.

taking 4 grams is like having water up to your neck. if you have never done shrooms before, and this is your first time experiencing water, only to find yourself up to your neck, could be very scary. but if you are already experienced with water, and familular with what it feels like, this might not be so bad.

taking 5 grams or more, you better know how to swim!

im very curious about how the OP's first trip went. . .


Active Member
im actually a veteran shroom grower.
and a mod on a shroom website.

being here makes me feel like i am an ambassador to my plant cousins. lol
im a plant noob, but im a shroom expert.

i just recently made a bottle of shroom everclear. and it worked out very well.

I highly recommend the ground into dust (coffee grinder) and peanut butter method. you dont taste anything!
or make peanut butter (tripping) balls
take a big spoonfull of peanut butter, slap it on a piece of wax paper, add your ground up dose to it, and crushed gram crackers, then powdered sugar to taste. then roll into a ball and put in the freezer for 45min. for bonus points roll in chocolate chips or nuts.

for beginners i recommend between 1.8 (16th) to 2grams
taking less then 1.5 grams just makes me feel weird and figidity almost uncomfortable for a few hours. just like i cant get comfortable. i dont like taking doses lower then 1.5g

i kinda disagree with saying you can always take more, but never less. while what you say is true, i could never eat more once im tripping. its just not going to happen.
once i take my first bite, i literally have a 45min window to take whatever im going to take. before it starts comming on, and once that happens there isnt taking any more for me.

doses and experiences are like this for me.

tripping is like experiencing water for the first time. it is a very alien substance, think of it as if you have never felt "wet" before.

taking 2grams is like going into a swimming pool up to your waist.
you can see the water, you can splash around in it. and you feel pretty much in control. you are in the shallow end. not too much can go wrong.

taking 3 grams is like having the water up to your nipples. can still be fun, but might be a little un-nearving if your not careful. the water is a little more threatening, and you have a little less control.

taking 4 grams is like having water up to your neck. if you have never done shrooms before, and this is your first time experiencing water, only to find yourself up to your neck, could be very scary. but if you are already experienced with water, and familular with what it feels like, this might not be so bad.

taking 5 grams or more, you better know how to swim!

im very curious about how the OP's first trip went. . .
This guy hit the nail on the head. I even quoted it, so the OP can read it again. Pretty much exactly what to expect.

I would just add one thing. Tripping alone is ok for some but not ok for others. You just have to figure out what kind of person you are. Do you yearn for attention? Are you very social and would rather be with people then alone? Would you feel comfortable being alone for (what seems like) many, many hours even though you are terrified or scared? If so, it's fine. Otherwise, I'd wait until you can have a trip sitter, someone you trust. A bad trip can come on out of nowhere when you're alone. Just some crazy thought could throw you into an extreme amount of paranoia or fear. Likewise, some introverts can get very paranoid and freaked out around other people and prefer to be alone. Just something to think about before trying to trip alone.


Well-Known Member
My advice to the first time tripper is taking them after sunrise and writing down what time you took them, and writing down what time you'll come down(7-9hours before you really realize your sober again).

I remember looking at my phone and watching the seconds slowly tick(only counted about 60seconds). It felt like I was staring at my phone for over a day before I said wtf am I doing(all fucked up).
Also half way through the trip my phone went back an hour or ahead an hour and I started a bad trip thinking I passed out and woke up in a parallel universe or some shit. Found out after my trip it was just daylight saving time, that really fucked up my trip. I started thinking I was in a parallel universe and shit and was getting scared of a blackhole forming because I thought th shrooms gave me so much information my world had to end. After I came down everything was good again. I highly recomend writing down what time it is when you first take them. The black hole came to my mind because the night was extremely dark. Hard to explain unless your understand the shrooms.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
tripping is like experiencing water for the first time. it is a very alien substance, think of it as if you have never felt "wet" before.
That has to be the BEST comparison I've ever heard....

A very good way to explain psychadelics to the 'dry' minds out there I will have to use that one if you don't mind!

One night I ate 6 grams of aborts in one go... How far up up my body would you say the water was? :lol: :lol: :lol:

last time I took shrooms though. The last 30 pupil expansions have been from great lucy.

welcome to the forum & thanks for dropping the knowledge ;)

Anyway, did the OP eat those cubes yet??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my dealer just let me know that he's selling shrooms now.. i really wanna try em, but my only option for tonight is to try em alone....

do you think trying shrooms alone is fine, even if for some reason i had a bad trip?

i'm pretty safe in my house, lol and have nothing to worry about.. and what should i expect if i try them?

btw if i try them im gonna buy like 2 genos .. thanks guys, sorry if this is a noobie question.
this should be on another section of forums. you will get crazy responses from brothers who be on that shit!


Well-Known Member
If doing shrooms I'd say 2.5 grams for your first dose preferably on a sunny fair-weather day. Some of the most fun I've had was splitting a peanut butter and shroom sandwich with a buddy and wandering into the woods to play disc golf.

I did have a bad trip on shrooms once where I ate six grams and literally felt like I was dying I felt awful all over and couldn't even look at anything, anything I stared at started to decay and decompose right in front of me. Ended up sweeping everything off my table and couch and curling up in a blanket with a glass of water in my boxers watching that 70s show and riding it out.

All in all when it comes to hallucinigenics shrooms can be fun but also very unstable in my book. I prefer acid because no matter how much I took or how fucked the situation got I never had a bad trip. Something about LSD just gets along very well with my head I think on an inner level to truly thrive on it you have to want to be crazy

Big P

Well-Known Member
guys I just got of the phone with the op's mom,

he did take the shrooms but took too much and ended up losing it and his mom called 911.

they put him in a mental health facility from which he promptly escaped.

last time he was seen was at 9 am monday morning running naked through a corn field backwards near interstate 85

Update: On July 31th, 2011, a naked PushForKush re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees


Active Member
oh, my experience with tripping alone, is that it can take you to some very strange places.

when your tripping with someone with you (even if they are tripping) you somewhat stay "grounded" in reality. because you base your thoughts and ideas off of them.

but when you trip alone, a crazy idea can spawn another crazy idea which the crazy idea is based off of.
you have nothing to anchor yourself upon, and your logic can make you think some wild things.

think of it this way.
when you have nothing but yourself for company, and yourself is not in your right mind. then yourself can quickly be a bad influence on yourself. lol

Tripping alone can be a lot of fun. and i am in no way saying that it is dangerous unless you are already dangerous and stupid.
im just saying prepare for a wild mind fuck =)

those people that jump off tall objects, are just naturally stupid, and if they hadnt done it on mushrooms, they would have done it on alcohol or anything else.

Big P

Well-Known Member
one time I tried to rip myself off, I was soo pissed, Im never frontin the money to myself ever again

Big P

Well-Known Member
the first time i shroomed I was with my sis and her b/f in his home town like 1.5 hours away from my home. after tripping out in a cemetary we decided it was time to find a hotel to stay in.

unfortunatly this was poor planning and we found out all the hotels & motels were full.

so we had to pull into a dead end rd in a neighborhood and just sit there all night. was very shitty.

Big P

Well-Known Member
first time I ever tripped, it was on acid. I was 14 years old and at a long term stay summer camp. we were young but my buddys brother had died in a car wreck and his older friend who was an assistant counsler at the camp took us under his wing.

one day he pulled out his wallet and showed us the 1.5 hits he had left from a concert a while back.It was of the Orange Sunshine Fame. he gave each of us a half hit and we all dosed in the middle of the day at camp, full of counslers and kids.

next thing you know it was time to play ultimate frisbee with the counslers and kids. me and my buddy and older dude were on the skins team and the other team was shirts.

so there we were tripping balls in a huge field with our shirts off geekin, lol we didnt even try to catch the frisbee. we were staring at older kids nipple hair it looked liek it was growing!!!!! it was creepy we all laughed then got paranoid that people would notice our weirdness.

all of a sudden I looked at the main rd at the end of the field were cars were zipping by at full speed and I immidiatly found myself running in the cars directions, but I stopped my self as soon as I relized that I was jogging towards the road.

it felt like I could just run up to the moving cars and jump on them like spiderman or somthing and ride them without getting hurt. it 100% felt like i could do it and not be hurt. but I told myself that it was just the drug and that I would die if I ran out into the street lol

so that ened that mission

it was a great trip man, the only reason I did not have a bad trip is because I didnt know they were possible yet. I was chewing on tall grass peice all day and would jab it between my teeth, it felt so weird to jab it between my teeth even in my gums. it was wierd, my gums hurt a lot the next day.

we had to go to sleep in the cabin with all the other campers in bunk beds. I was on the bottom bunk there was like 8 people sleeping in my room.

I just put on my head phones and floated away into the night.