Want to try predatory insects

I suggest safer soap. It's non toxic, washes away, all natural, and you can use it for pre flower stage untill full flowering. Once full flowering starts I have never had a problem with bugs at this stage because the THC coursing through the plant is a natural defense and kills bugs.

I have seriously found flies and other harmful insects crystallized to leaves because they get super toxic stoned and the plant grows thc over the carcass ( hihly sativa, potent thc strains)
not to split hairs, or to try to start an argument, but THC doesn't kill bugs, those bugs are dying because they get stuck and most likely die of thirst. Like a flytrap.
Totally mean that with no disrespect.
not to split hairs, or to try to start an argument, but THC doesn't kill bugs, those bugs are dying because they get stuck and most likely die of thirst. Like a flytrap.
Totally mean that with no disrespect.
Lol that's cool man I don't wana spread false facts! The more you know :)