Want to try hydroponics...which system would you recomend i build?


Hi there...new to these forums but have lurked around here a couple times for some hard to find answers

So anyways I've been growing hempy for a while now and have been wanting to setup an automatic watering system after thinking about it i decided i should just try a hydroponic system instead.

After much research and finding plans on building each type of system i can't make a decision on which one to try.

I've been growing for almost a decade mostly in soil but in hempy for the last couple years. I usualy pull off 3 to 4 lbs on a 2 light system so as long as i can get at least that in hydro im happy.

heres my gear. 2 1000wHPS with 4ft grostar reflectors in a 6 x 8x 6H home made grow tent. Lights on Temps usualy run around 82 - 86 and lights off temps around 64. i have an 8' vortex can fan with 150 filter.

Not sure how these temps would be in hydro but i do not have the money to buy a chiller. I could build what ever system i use in a way that the res would sit outside the room.

So which type of hydroponic system would be the least problematic and easiest to run and maintain?

thanks everyone im looking forward to trying something new


Well-Known Member
ebb n flow or dwc.NFT is good but but ure plants can go from good to halfdead within a matter of hours if u have a power outage.


Well-Known Member
Ebb and Flow with rockwool. Your plants can go at least 36 hours with no water and still be fine. Check out my grow journal where I talk about my ghetto-fab system for under $60.


Well-Known Member
if you could lower the temps of the res i would suggest DWC but since you cannot get a chiller, ebb n'flow is the way for you, aero is very problematic you will be unclogging misters all the time, a PITA. ebb n' flow is fool proof works on timer and you can recycle grorocks and never have to buy another medium. i personally love DWC the best since its the simplest with no control res, plants grow straight into res with no medium to clean, just harvest clean 1 res only and plug new ones in, but if water temps are high, you will lose a lot in plant health


Well-Known Member
DWC is EASIEST to MAINTAIN. EBB & FLOW can be a little more of "hassle" to set up and maintain, but it is SAFER than DWC.

Aeroponic is the BEST of the BEST and is just about as easy as DWC..... as long as you don't mind unclogging some sprayers here n there.... which is just a pinpoint away... :)


Thanks for all the replies. I do like those aeroponic tubs but i would have to run 18 of those and it just seem like a hasel.

Decided to go with the ebb and flow. it just sounds right for me at this time. someday i want to go all aero :)

I will be building 1 4x4 ebb n flow table this weekend and make my res remote so it sits outside the room and i know i want have to screw around with the temps.

I was thinking of doing a SOG...would i use the 5 1/2" pots to accomplish that? and should i use those clay balls or is there something better?

ill be sure to have a journal when im all up and rolling...cut the new babies yesterday :)

thanks again everyone