Want to see what a trillon dollars looks like?


Well-Known Member
Check it ...


Now, lets take it a step further - a packet of $100 bills is less than 1/2 inch thick and is worth $10,000. This can easily fit in your pocket and can be used to buy a cheap car or a year of your kid’s tuition:


This little pile of cash can easily fit into any backpack and weighs just about 22 lbs. Just in case you didn’t believe that those criminals in the movies couldn’t fit a million bucks in those briefcases, it’s very possible! You’re not likely to ever see this amount of cash in one place unless you work in a bank or are a high-level drug dealer:


Here we have $100 million - neatly fits on any standard pallet, weighing in at a little over one ton. You could stash this away in your bedroom and never work another day in your life. No one will ever see this kind of money in one place except Britney Spears and other celebrities:


Now we’re talking big bucks… $1 billion - ten pallets worth of cold, hard cash. This is more than some countries’ GDP (Gross Domestic Product):


Finally, here we are - one trillion dollars. That’s twelve zeros, go ahead and count ‘em! One MILLION million, or one thousand billion… This is just an obscene amount of money - the dollar value is more than all that are currently in circulation:

I don't care how rich you are ... that's a whole lot of doe! ... and they are talking more than one trillion! OMG!



Well-Known Member
Check it ...


Now, lets take it a step further - a packet of $100 bills is less than 1/2 inch thick and is worth $10,000. This can easily fit in your pocket and can be used to buy a cheap car or a year of your kid’s tuition:


This little pile of cash can easily fit into any backpack and weighs just about 22 lbs. Just in case you didn’t believe that those criminals in the movies couldn’t fit a million bucks in those briefcases, it’s very possible! You’re not likely to ever see this amount of cash in one place unless you work in a bank or are a high-level drug dealer:


Here we have $100 million - neatly fits on any standard pallet, weighing in at a little over one ton. You could stash this away in your bedroom and never work another day in your life. No one will ever see this kind of money in one place except Britney Spears and other celebrities:


Now we’re talking big bucks… $1 billion - ten pallets worth of cold, hard cash. This is more than some countries’ GDP (Gross Domestic Product):


Finally, here we are - one trillion dollars. That’s twelve zeros, go ahead and count ‘em! One MILLION million, or one thousand billion… This is just an obscene amount of money - the dollar value is more than all that are currently in circulation:

I don't care how rich you are ... that's a whole lot of doe! ... and they are talking more than one trillion! OMG!

And then you imagine the above stacked 100x

and that's how much the government has in unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security, and yet the imbeciles on the Left (Obama, Pelois, Reid, Miller, & Co) want to add even more liabilities onto the government plate.


Well-Known Member
Don't even go there ... the repukes are just as bad ... worst ... on spending as the dims ... I don't mind spending to help americans ... I don't like the spending on these corporate bailouts ... that's where the trillion comes in ... they never have and never will spend that much on the people or for the good of the people ... check yourself ...:spew:


Well-Known Member
Don't even go there ... the repukes are just as bad ... worst ... on spending as the dims ... I don't mind spending to help americans ... I don't like the spending on these corporate bailouts ... that's where the trillion comes in ... they never have and never will spend that much on the people or for the good of the people ... check yourself ...:spew:
Looks like TheBrutalTruth just got bitch slapped.


Well-Known Member
Don't even go there ... the repukes are just as bad ... worst ... on spending as the dims ... I don't mind spending to help americans ... I don't like the spending on these corporate bailouts ... that's where the trillion comes in ... they never have and never will spend that much on the people or for the good of the people ... check yourself ...:spew:
you better go look at who has been in charge of congress the last couple of years( democrats) the federal reserve system is designed to wok like this.
but the dems have escalated debt to a whole new level.
most of us with a brain call it slavery


New Member
you better go look at who has been in charge of congress the last couple of years( democrats) the federal reserve system is designed to wok like this.
but the dems have escalated debt to a whole new level.
most of us with a brain call it slavery
Break out of slavery, follow your money offshore, see ya.


Well-Known Member
you better go look at who has been in charge of congress the last couple of years( democrats) the federal reserve system is designed to wok like this.
but the dems have escalated debt to a whole new level.
most of us with a brain call it slavery
And you better go look at who's been passing these bills ... it doesn't matter who is in charge ... both corporate parties are bad ... most of us with a brain cell can see that ... what's your excuse?:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Don't even go there ... the repukes are just as bad ... worst ... on spending as the dims ... I don't mind spending to help americans ... I don't like the spending on these corporate bailouts ... that's where the trillion comes in ... they never have and never will spend that much on the people or for the good of the people ... check yourself ...:spew:
BitchSlapping yourself Dank, I think you said something about blaming Johnson for the entire situation.

As far as Grow Rebel, I think I ought to congratulate him/her on no longer sounding like a broken record.


New Member
I don't know about you guys, but that trillion would fit into my back yard. I could hire 100 guys to guard it and break off a piece for them, say a million each, that would be a drop in the bucket. Although, the first thing I'd do would be to get a new back yard, front yard and house on some large acreage in the country, then in some other countries, a lear jet, a car collection to rival Jay Lenos, a yacht, and about ten million worth of toys, a couple of personal aids, (18 year old beauty queens) you know, for those happy ending massages, geeze, life would probably kill me.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you guys, but that trillion would fit into my back yard. I could hire 100 guys to guard it and break off a piece for them, say a million each, that would be a drop in the bucket. Although, the first thing I'd do would be to get a new back yard, front yard and house on some large acreage in the country, then in some other countries, a lear jet, a car collection to rival Jay Lenos, a yacht, and about ten million worth of toys, a couple of personal aids, (18 year old beauty queens) you know, for those happy ending massages, geeze, life would probably kill me.
I'd keep $100 Million for myself and my family/friends and spend the rest of the time giving it away at random, $1 million tip here, $1 million tip there, sooner or later (probably later) I'd finally have used it all.

$1 Trillion dollars, entirely too much for me... but it sure would be fun being able to give it away at random.


Well-Known Member
If I had $1 trillion evil ilkhan would probably
show up and try to take over the world,
and apathy ilkhan would probably let him try.

I don't know what I would do with a trillion bucks.
I have sat here typing for about the last 3 hours.
And came up with 3 solid ideas on how I could spend it.
Either setting myself up as king or starting a civil war in the states.
I have come to the conclusion I don't want a trillion bucks.
A billion yes, yes thats fine I can't cause that much mayhem with a billion.
With a trillion I could start WWIII,
and sadly I probably would.

idea 1: buy Sakhalin Island from the Russians.
set myself up as king.
idea 2: take over west Africa approximatly 12 countries.
Set myself up as king.
idea 3: get elected governor of California
start a civil war.
idea 4: take over Burma with several thousand hired Spetznatz
set myself up as King.
idea 5: fund faster then light travel research and fusion
get off this rock. (set myself up as King, on another planet)
idea 6: build a giant robot I could drive to reak havok
start a civil war.
idea 7: take over Iceland
set myself up as king.

Other then give it away as quickly as possable the other options arn't very good.
When your talking Trillions of dollars your talking crazy shit you can do.


Well-Known Member
I am so f#%&%n done with this crap,
the majority of the country are tools.
And wont do a thing to stop this.
I had high hopes for obama. And now realize i am the tool.
I feel like they are stealing as much of our money as posible.
And revolution has no chance. When we are all so devided.
I fear the end of our counrty is near.

Damn wtf was that.


New Member
The majority of American citizens are woefully incapable of following economic data.

The schools simply don't teach it.

This is done on purpose.