Want to see me grow nice plants with zero cost? Well, then, COME ON IN!

My girl says I'm being mean to you. I'm sorry if you feel that way too. I don't mean to be an asshole. I guess I just have an abrasive personality.

i dont feel that way at all thats why im staying so nice :) but again, you can say what you want about my side by side but it was straight proof. its even logged in my journal somewhere i believe.

i gave them a perfect environment and even after THRIVING for a few months they still gave me garbage. but now we will see what happens here. but the fact of the matter remains, if a99_Jocelyn.jpg and a99_Shane.jpg have a kid, its gonna be hideous. why? genetics.
you are trying to prove science wrong. this is my whole point that im struggling to get out because im horrible with words.
speaking about water, i always tot tap water is fatal coz of the chlorine, good post, and its a nice way to let noobs know not to panic too much , only reason we panic is coz the seed bought a expensive i Guess...
you are trying to prove science wrong. this is my whole point that im struggling to get out because im horrible with words.
Absolutely not. I believe in the science of genetics, as it is proven. What I don't think I made clear (which is my fault) is the fact that when you get bad weed, it doesnt necessarily mean it is bad because of the genetics. Also, I'm not saying there is no bad genetics out there being sold as shwag...I know as well as anyone that there is. On the other side of the same coin, I can buy some TGA Subcool Dairy Queen seeds for like 80 or 90 bucks and fuck it up hard core and come out with shit. So the point I'm trying to make is that a quality grow is 90% the grower and 10% everythig else.
You take a seed out of some weed that will at least give you a buzz, and I'll grow it in to something enjoyable. That is a guarantee.

speaking about water, i always tot tap water is fatal coz of the chlorine, good post, and its a nice way to let noobs know not to panic too much , only reason we panic is coz the seed bought a expensive i Guess...

Thats what this thread is for, man. Glad I can help =D
Absolutely not. I believe in the science of genetics, as it is proven. What I don't think I made clear (which is my fault) is the fact that when you get bad weed, it doesnt necessarily mean it is bad because of the genetics. Also, I'm not saying there is no bad genetics out there being sold as shwag...I know as well as anyone that there is. On the other side of the same coin, I can buy some TGA Subcool Dairy Queen seeds for like 80 or 90 bucks and fuck it up hard core and come out with shit. So the point I'm trying to make is that a quality grow is 90% the grower and 10% everythig else.
You take a seed out of some weed that will at least give you a buzz, and I'll grow it in to something enjoyable. That is a guarantee.

Thats what this thread is for, man. Glad I can help =D

^Good man^ :bigjoint:
I got some bag seeds being saved that were from some great weed that just happened to end up with a seed or two in the satchel. That is a lot different than rag weed. I happen to be smoking some pretty "decent" commercial weed right now. ($50 or $60 a quarter) and I really think with love and care it would produce a fine herb. Maybe not rocket fuel but very respectable. It sure ain't great but WTH.

I would think without really knowing that even commercial crap coming from Mexico or sumpin must have started from a decent seed but they neglected to remove the males or at least all of them. I would think even some hack operation from south of the borderor whatever would at least try and start with a good seed. Even as ratty commercial for the market I would think the better it was the more moolah that could be made..:?

It gotta couple of pals-O-Mine saving me seed from the high end weed they smoke. They don't get many but they do show up and I'm gonna try them. Rock on Boys and Girls.
tap water is not fatal...chlorine will kill plants, but i use tap water that has sat out over night...atleast, and i have never had any problems...i also have only used a ph tester 1 time, and my ph after letting my tap sit was 7...sometimes 7.1, but regardless...its " perfect " but i got lucky...city's ph is different.
also...sorry rzza i have to disagree...just because you get schwag seeds out of a bag doesnt mean you will produce the same schwag...to many variables...esp. if it was brick weed...maybe they didnt let it go long enough? had problems during their grow? you never know untill you actually grow it. i grew nothing but bagseed...was never poop though, and had amazing results...most of the time. actually...there was a gem i had that i wish i'd have cloned...she was amazing! and i am a regular smoker...2 hits and you were blasted...1 and you were high...damn i miss her. lol
GOB, dont be sorry. you can have an opinion. However, you can only help a plant thrive, you cannot take poor GENETICS and grow them into something great(in one grow). Evolution could help in your favor but takes a long time. You can take poor WEEED (that has been grown poorly but has GOOD GENETICS) and grow something great.
so you are totally right that you dont know till you grow it cause you dont know the the bagseed is a result of poor genes or poor growing.....see what i mean?
so therefore you cannot grow bomb weed with DIRTWEED bagseed but you can easily with bagseed, if it has bomb potential. trust me they dont all have good potential.
right...i thought it was more of a well...its poop weed, so you cant make it any better type of thing...didnt know it was a discussion on good or bad genetics...which i do agree with...a plant can only be as good as its parents...if they was poop, then you cant make it no better.
so therefore you cannot grow bomb weed with DIRTWEED bagseed but you can easily with bagseed, if it has bomb potential. trust me they dont all have good potential.

You can grow bomb weed for dirt weed it has to be grew and dried right it just wont be as potient as the high grade weed you usually smoke... You cant go from high grade weed and and smoke a lower grade of weed and expect to get as high with out smoking a good amout or for it to taste as good you already build a high tolerance for smoke high grade weed..
You can grow bomb weed for dirt weed it has to be grew and dried right it just wont be as potient as the high grade weed you usually smoke... You cant go from high grade weed and and smoke a lower grade of weed and expect to get as high with out smoking a good amout or for it to taste as good you already build a high tolerance for smoke high grade weed..

umm, thanks...?
I'll be back. I haven't had as much time to keep up with this as I though I would when I started. Things are a bit hectic right now. Lost my job and just started a new one, and trying to get in to a new routine, and lots of other crap going on too. I should have an update by the end of the weekend providing I get a little R -n- R time between now and then.
I agree somewhat with OOM. In Jorge's bible he mentions that brick weed from south of the border had potential. Alot was lost in the care and curing that cost it it's potential. All it's growers motivation was a fast buck. They could care less about the end result.
regardless how much care you give a plant (or lackthereof) of good genes, it will never smell like that damned dirt weed. its caused by poor genes.
Well I guess we'll just have to talk football because we don't totally agree here. ; )

Yes you do...you are just arguing two different points. hahahaha.

I want to clear this up. I'm feeling like an idiot that I didn't see this before.
Rzza is saying that you cannot take shitty genetics and grow ideal with it. I think we can all agree that a plant is only as good as it genetic potential. Obviously if you bring me a hemp seed and I roll up a blunt 6 months later of the bud from that seed, yes I'm going to be pissed. With that being said:

All the rest of us are sdaying is that you generally arent going to get some totally worthless seed out of a sack, no matter how shitty the weed looks and tastes, and even if it doesnt hardly get you high, the genetics are probably there, because whomever grew that field of weed in mexico probably didnt grow it from seeds he got from wild plants growing along the river, tho if he did you're screwed...thats true.

I think we can all agree on both of these points.