Active Member
So I've got a pair of Northern Light Autos about 85 days old from seed. Both have been growing in the same conditions except for the nutrients.
Now I understand a TRUE test would be from clones since those would be the exactly the same but I am doing these from seeds which I am aware there may be some other factors involved such as the genes instead of the nutrients. But granted I feel the test results do show some interesting results.
NL1 was feed Humboldt Nutrients Verde (16-1-2) with Sea green the first two weeks of what I considered a veg state. Then I switched to Ginormous (0-18-6) + sea green and Blackstrap Mollassos.
NL2 was fed the FOx farm trio, the first two weeks grow big (6-4-4) with the big bloom as well. Then switched to the tiger bloom (2-8-4) with the big bloom and mollassas.
Ok as stated before all the conditions have been the same, there feeding schedules are the same. I will say from the beginning NL1 was on average an inch or two taller than NL2 but other than that not many differences in that regard.
Early on I didn't notice much of a difference. NL1 shot out pistols before NL2 by a few days but that doesn't mean much too me. After about a month I started to notice NL2 was fuller inside while NL1 was growing tall and skinny almost like I got two different phenotypes....
Once the buds started forming I still didn't notice much of a difference except that NL1 nugs were literally doubled in the amount of resin. After a few more weeks NL1 was still getting way more resiny but NL2's nugs were swelling at a greater rate.
Now on day 80ish take a look at the two and you can notice a difference. Im probably going to get double off of NL2 than NL1 BUT NL1 is WAY more resiny.
Oh did I mention that NL1 turned PURPLE! while NL2 has remained the same. I figured it had to do with the cold temps we've been getting lately but why isn't it affecting the other? anyway here's pics that what were here for anyway.
In the beginning:

Forming buds:

Nearing the end: But still no purple

Current status: Purple has come within the last two weeks.

Now I understand a TRUE test would be from clones since those would be the exactly the same but I am doing these from seeds which I am aware there may be some other factors involved such as the genes instead of the nutrients. But granted I feel the test results do show some interesting results.
NL1 was feed Humboldt Nutrients Verde (16-1-2) with Sea green the first two weeks of what I considered a veg state. Then I switched to Ginormous (0-18-6) + sea green and Blackstrap Mollassos.
NL2 was fed the FOx farm trio, the first two weeks grow big (6-4-4) with the big bloom as well. Then switched to the tiger bloom (2-8-4) with the big bloom and mollassas.
Ok as stated before all the conditions have been the same, there feeding schedules are the same. I will say from the beginning NL1 was on average an inch or two taller than NL2 but other than that not many differences in that regard.
Early on I didn't notice much of a difference. NL1 shot out pistols before NL2 by a few days but that doesn't mean much too me. After about a month I started to notice NL2 was fuller inside while NL1 was growing tall and skinny almost like I got two different phenotypes....
Once the buds started forming I still didn't notice much of a difference except that NL1 nugs were literally doubled in the amount of resin. After a few more weeks NL1 was still getting way more resiny but NL2's nugs were swelling at a greater rate.
Now on day 80ish take a look at the two and you can notice a difference. Im probably going to get double off of NL2 than NL1 BUT NL1 is WAY more resiny.
Oh did I mention that NL1 turned PURPLE! while NL2 has remained the same. I figured it had to do with the cold temps we've been getting lately but why isn't it affecting the other? anyway here's pics that what were here for anyway.
In the beginning:

Forming buds:

Nearing the end: But still no purple

Current status: Purple has come within the last two weeks.