Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Hey, care to take a look at mine and let me know what you think? How soon/how much longer to go? WP_000542.jpgWP_000540.jpgWP_000539.jpgWP_000538.jpg
Any input is appreciated, this is my first go-round and you guys seem to have tons more knowledge than I do.


Misguided Angel
First Time posting on this site So have patience with me... how long do you think these plants have left ? they are 50 days into flowering ... I live in a tropical region... let me know what you think.. Thanks :leaf::leaf::leaf:
I would say closer to 1-1/2 - 2 weeks


Well-Known Member

No clue what strain, possibly, and I use that term lightly killer queen? Sorry I dont have much info but I've already started pure water... too soon?
Also thanks for any reply and sorry for my nubism.


Misguided Angel

No clue what strain, possibly, and I use that term lightly killer queen? Sorry I dont have much info but I've already started pure water... too soon?
Also thanks for any reply and sorry for my nubism.
Looks like at least another couple weeks to me. No need to apologize. Make sure to post harvest pics.


Active Member
i use he easy way. if they say 8to 9 weeks, i cut em at nine! sure, i look at the trichs. but if the plant is no longer uptakeing any water, its on the late side. i dought i have ever had many "ambers". there are lots that never amber up. like alien dawg. its just shiny to the end. also, one day, when u know they are getting close, u go in, and are hit by a more sweet stink...well, thats a good sign.
Hi, all first time grower here. Just wondering how much time this girl has left. She is about 6~7 weeks in. Any advice or criticism is welcome. Outdoor grow. Thanks!! Peace!!



Misguided Angel
Nice healthy looking girls, you have done a good job thus far! They look to be about "half done" in my opinion so probably another 4 weeks to go, possibly a little more. When you say she is 6-7 weeks in, does that mean total grow time or flowering time? Does not look like she has been flowering for 6 weeks is all.
6~7 weeks into flowering. Sorry for not being clear about that, and to be honest i could be wrong about the flowering time. I am going by when she first started showing her sex which was around the middle of July. Like I said I'm a novice and I have a bad case of the CRS disease :D Kind of glad to hear that she still has a ways to go. Hopefully she will fatten up some more during these next few weeks. Thanks, Rocpilefsj!


Well-Known Member
any guess on these 2 will be done? one on the right is strawberry cough(thats what i was told when i bought the bag and found one seed ) the other is unknown anyone got a guess (again was just one seed. was pretty decent smoke) went 12/12 on the 4th of aug thanks for any help

