Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
hi, this is my first post here and first grow.

there are two different strains ( the first and last pic are of one, the others of the other) , if you can give me an idea what they might be?

there in their 5th week of flowering
i know they are small cola's but they are looking ready from what ive read. the lower ones arent as developed so i was thinking of cutting the top ones off first,
what do u think?


i'd give those at least 2 more weeks.


fdd2blk just wondering when these girls will be ready to harvest any suggestions on the strain would be great to much appreciated mate cheersPicture 001.jpg


Active Member
Thanks! It was supposed to be a Jamacian Sativa, but the thing flowered way way differently than the other seeds. Smells extremely strong of lemon. Love it.
Picture 008.jpgPicture 010.jpg Random bagseed sativa - it's been flowering for 12 weeks and a day now. How much longer ya think? Thanks man. I've never had experience with a more pure sativa strain. Again, appreciate all the help and wisdom.

-Bonzai pruner


i got a nug shot from my first indoor cfl harvest.. bagseed i might add :) i thought alot of the hairs looked orange but idk how much percent is orange and dont have any type of microscope but need to invest in one to monitor trics
