Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

fdd man, I chopped one bud to try and dried it in microwave. I smoked it and its not very potent. It gives some fun but totally not enough. 10 days ago U said me it has one more month. So I guess there are 20 days more.

Is it normal for plant not to be potent 20 days before harvest?

If its going to be like this I am going to kill it and end this misery. I don't want this smoke. Seeds were for best smoke I ever tried so I was hoping for more fun.

Thanks man.


those look really close. it may be ok to chop on sunday. they could probably go another week though. they would add on a little weight and may get a little more resins if you wait. they don't look that bad now though. it's up to you to decide. ;')
Thanks for the reply, the long wait of 3 months+ is finally here and I get taste the fruits of my labour, thanks for the help dude. :clap:


Looking for input on when these plants will be done. Week 8 of flower, these are Sensi Star, this plant is the most advanced of all of them. Also have some Kush, but those are still completely white. Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
2 unknow bagseeds(the same kind) 52 days of flowering.
i was thinking a week to 10 days what do you think?(for the first 4 pics)
what about the second one?
Thanks for the help.:clap:

i'd say 10 days sounds about right. that other one needs at least 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
fdd man, I chopped one bud to try and dried it in microwave. I smoked it and its not very potent. It gives some fun but totally not enough. 10 days ago U said me it has one more month. So I guess there are 20 days more.

Is it normal for plant not to be potent 20 days before harvest?

If its going to be like this I am going to kill it and end this misery. I don't want this smoke. Seeds were for best smoke I ever tried so I was hoping for more fun.

Thanks man.
it wasn't done and you dried it in the microwave.

it gets better when it gets to ripen.



Active Member
FDD, you probably have a full time job just responding to this thread! I know my girls have a ways to go and I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I wouldn't mind an experts opinion. Thanks for the insight. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
FDD, you probably have a full time job just responding to this thread! I know my girls have a ways to go and I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I wouldn't mind an experts opinion. Thanks for the insight. Cheers.
those have a long way to good. feed the shit outta them. ;)


Active Member
I wish I had started about a month earlier now-- patience is not a virtue I possess. They got a heavy feeding yesterday, and I'll keep on keepin' on. Thanks for your help FDD.


Well-Known Member
FDD, I'm here for my bi-monthly check up: 13 Weeks 3 days into flower... issues aside, how much longer is this sativa Thai super skunk gonna go? I was thinking about letter her go until October 9th? 15 more days enough you think?