Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
I have some others I need to post up, the big bud is gonna go a bit longer I think, alonlg with the og kush and white widow. The big buds cola is like 5 inches round and 20 inches long! can't even get to it to snap a picture I'm so crowded!


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention I'm seeing a few brown (not amber but brown) trichss on the euphoria . which means its a little past due I believe.


Well-Known Member
Ok then, I'll let it go till like friday maybe. (Its been very hard holding my scissors back) that will make it a two week flush.


Well-Known Member
I too thought it was done but express is twisting my arm to wait.
lol nobodies twisting your arm.. you could pick now... im just tryna turn you on to something more special.. if you got bud to smoke and your in week 11 why not wait a few more days and let the calyxes swell to the max and go for that k.o. high


Well-Known Member
I got weed several types of hash , xans and lots of beer so I can be pretty patient. postponed till friday!


Well-Known Member
and don't be sorry for posting your opinion even though its someone elses thread, its good to see several peoples opinions.


Well-Known Member
been a bit since i posted last.... thought i would get another opinion again. thinkin maybe a week? it starts week 10 in 3 days (today is day 61 of flower).
thanks again in advance fdd!

