Pics are pretty bad... I DO have some nice microscopic pictures of the triches, but they're .bmp which this site doesn't like..
Anyhow... this is one of my 3 plants, the fastest to mature by quite along way. Tis about 3 1/2 ft tall, and bushy as hell. The large fan leaves all over all of my plants have recently all turned yellow and wilted.. I've read about this, so I sat back and let it do it's thing.
One of the colas is maturing waaay faster than the others. Seriously, 90% of the pistils are red... but further down the cola it's stil only about 20-30% red, so I'm reluctant to harvest yet..
The triches on the plant are about 90% cloudy, 5% clear, 5% amber... it's my first grow, so I'm not really sure. I want mainly a sofa lock stone, but I wouldn't mind having abit of smoke with the thc trippyness aswell.. It's just hard to gauge because my plants are all maturing at very different rates, aswel as the individual colas. Lil help?