Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
noob ? whats the difference between gray rep and green rep lol?(bad and good) i assume
No, I don't think its bad and good, I think it's just the order it goes in...first you get 5 green rep bars and then gray bars after that. I'm not sure where it stops and I don't know what they mean but I've seen a lot of RIU members who have that much rep and it's always the same order green to gray :)
bad lighting to analyze the plants maturity and are those scatter strained?:bigjoint: Some look to have 10-14 days but the pics in the clearer light look more like 14-20
I'll post some better pics tomorrow with better lighting ....And I'm not familiar with what a Scatter Strain is....What do you mean by that? I was told it was Black Haze but I don't know...would love to know though if anyone can tell.


Well-Known Member
haven't started flush yet..... I'm thinkin another week than flush for 2... It's only around 10% amber
It depends on how much amber you want, sounds like your on the right track though. You could taker her down and get some good smoke right now but I would at least flush for a week.. Good luck! I'm sure sacred or fdd will hop in here and give you there opinion too though :)


Well-Known Member
its all good. The last three pics of course look younger, the first pics are looking like a week and a half max. have you been watering with only water, if so for how long, and how long has she been flowering?

i will be doing the same.
i have been waterng with molasses shes about 2mos and a week


Well-Known Member
any1 have any thoughts on my blue venom?? i posted pics a few pages back.. 380or 379? or u can just click on my signature.. i have a bunch of pics on my thread.. jsut want sum 2nd opinions. thanks


Well-Known Member
and PS.. i think the gray and regular rep colors are like... how recent it was.. idk how 2 explain it... but at 1 point.. i only had 1 gray square.. but now i have 3.. and i think its cuz i havent been gettin much rep lately. thats wat i think... idk tho. lol. jus tputin in my 2 cents.


and PS.. i think the gray and regular rep colors are like... how recent it was.. idk how 2 explain it... but at 1 point.. i only had 1 gray square.. but now i have 3.. and i think its cuz i havent been gettin much rep lately. thats wat i think... idk tho. lol. jus tputin in my 2 cents.
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Active Member
I've got a few I posted around 379-380 as well. I started the flush, hope it wasn't too early, although One of them seems to be of the "Eternally flowering sativa" variety.