Cali chronic
Well-Known Member
Most of you are not even registered to vote. Especially the loud mouths with half truths and empty facts.
UB and dukeanthony type nothing alike.maybe they are both the same person...just with different accounts.
A lot of people are going to die in WW3 (not the billionaires). That's the answer to your question.The problem really is larger than any one person can change. Ron paul may have voted for the right things (some people's opinion), but he was one vote, one of 550+. As we can readily see from the Obama experience, one man can't really do shit when he is outnumbered by the majority of opposition thinkers, Either Republicans or right leaning Democrats. In my humble opinion, We as a society are doomed to go the way of history, like Rome, etc. Greed has taken 90%+ of the money out of circulation. Without money circulating throughout the masses, the society will implode. What good is it to billionaires to sit on billions, while kicking the terminally unemployed off the rolls. That only increases the number of combatants when the cookie crumbles. What is the answer??? That is way beyond my pay grade, and actually, I haven't heard anyone comming up with any viable solutions. If any of you think you have, please don't hold back, enlighten us peons, thank you in advance.
You just wasted your own time by replying in the forum, look in the mirror and then point a finger.If you want to waste your time, that's your business. But please don't waste your time by wasting mine.
Maybe, but the use of mass extinction weapons are very dangerous, even to billionaires, besides, what would they do if they didnt have us peons to wait on them? You know things like, haul their groceries, clean their water, provide all the niceties of their exhorbitant lifestyle. If they had to start doing all those things themselves, they would be done, cooked in their own grease, so to speak. I'll bet a few billionaires get slaughtered with the rest of humanity, in fact if I have it my way, I'll make sure of it.A lot of people are going to die in WW3 (not the billionaires). That's the answer to your question.
Yes, because we all know that billionaires (with the exception of George Soros) are evil incarnate.Maybe, but the use of mass extinction weapons are very dangerous, even to billionaires, besides, what would they do if they didnt have us peons to wait on them? You know things like, haul their groceries, clean their water, provide all the niceties of their exhorbitant lifestyle. If they had to start doing all those things themselves, they would be done, cooked in their own grease, so to speak. I'll bet a few billionaires get slaughtered with the rest of humanity, in fact if I have it my way, I'll make sure of it.
Yes, because we all know that billionaires (with the exception of George Soros) are evil incarnate.
Hey Medicineman... I heard you were dead.
Couldnt watch more than 2 minutes into the video... So fake...
Seriously... If YOU were a luminati candidate dont you think you might be up to speed at this point of the initiation?Your the judge of your own opinion. Yes the sinisterhost seems fake, but the messages being relayed throughout, hold EVIL
TRUTH. By the way, the 2 minute mark is where things get interesting....![]()
Benjamin Franklin said:Mankind naturally and generally love to be flatter'd: Whatever sooths our Pride, and tends to exalt our Species above the rest of the Creation, we are pleas'd with and easily believe, when ungrateful Truths shall be with the utmost Indignation rejected. "What! bring ourselves down to an Equality with the Beasts of the Field! with the meanest part of the Creation! 'Tis insufferable!" But, (to use a Piece of common Sense) our Geese are but Geese tho' we may think 'em Swans; and Truth will be Truth tho' it sometimes prove mortifying and distasteful.
Benjamin Franklin said:Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.