Want to grow good weed? Then don't get carried away with the Nitrogen.


Active Member

Excellent short article.

These experiments show that the THC content of leaves decreases with increasing N doses. This phenomenon is favorable for agricultural production, because nitrogen fertilization will increase stem yield and simultaneously decrease THC content of the plant significantly. Additional studies are necessary to determine optimal N dose/ha, time of application, fertilizer type and the lowest THC content achievable under field conditions.

So if you want to grow beautiful stems and leaves, go crazy with the nitrogen. If instead you want to grow weed that has the highest levels of THC that the plant can genetically produce, then you want to ensure that you balance the needs of the plant for nitrogen with the overall goal of producing buds loaded with THC.

Probably the biggest single mistake I have made, and one I think many people make, is that I have over-fertilized my grow. During vegetative growth you should fertilize with just enough nitrogen to ensure the leaves remain green, because leaves are the energy converters of the plant and healthy leaves result in healthy bud sites.

Based on my reading, I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to allow the plant to go into a somewhat cannabalistic state. You must allow her to begin eating her own nitrogen reserves leading into harvest. This is a delicate balancing act, as if you allow the leaves to yellow and drop too early you are hurting your harvest weight. But if you keep your plant completely fed with nitrogen throughout your grow, you run the risk of growing a beautiful plant that does not give you the end result you desire, a plant with the maximum amount of THC it could produce.

I am sure that what I have written here will garner a bit of pushback. That is fine as we should all be open to debate. All that I ask is that if you disagree you give a scientific basis for doing so.

Happy growing!