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dont do 3.5 the first time, you will trip and not be used to the mind set it gives you, try 2gs first, you wont notice to much visually but you will think differently. as for how strong they are it depends on how the shrooms were dried and stored to. if you eat a fresh cube its like 5 times stronger than a dried one or one that hasnt been stored properly. theres a lot of different types of psilocybins to the most commons are gold caps which are cubensis. try and order a few spores and go to shroomery.org theres a lot of info on there
I like to dry them first fresh they just got so much water in them and they don't taste good dry though the taste ain't too bad if you ever ate a dry shitake mushroom before it's pretty close.

Nothing to really be scared of though you can't overdose and die but you could take too much and not have a great time just eat 3.5 grams dry you'll be fine it's nice tripping with friends too more fun especially for the first time as long as nobody freaks out that just gets annoying like "I'm high too chill the fuck out" be funny to do the Chong thing....

Nah I'm not talking about the risks bruh, I'm talk about law, you can get a serious heavy sentence if you're caught where weed you prob get warning or maybe couple of weeks of jail.