Want to buy beans

I live in probation area I want to order some beans will they get to me I've never done it but bag seeds are getting old never know what I'm growing
Maybe maybe not. Good banks will resend once. After that dont expect or blame the bank for your location
Ok I was looking on Google maps and I'm gonna order because I want to know if it going to work and I'm curious but I might have to take a vaca to a seed bank
if u in the usa, you should order from north atlantic seed co. best experience ive had and ordered from all the major seedbanks
Check out cool beans seedbank too.
I use Neptune usually.
Gonna try cool beans and cash. They super hookup with freebies if you send cash.
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Most good ones do and take debit. Post office lost 3 packages of mine ,fortunately not beans in the last 4 orders or roughly 2 months. My cash will never see a mailbox