Grow up. Just keep stirring the shit.Also, reported for calling me a name, it's not very nice.
and if he stole his mom's remote control, would those 20 kindergarteners still be alive?after he stole it and shot his mom in the face. ur point being? it wasnt the guns fault that remote controls i mean retards got a hold of it. its in all honesty his mothers fault for not having them all properly locked up in a gunsafe away from her deranged unsociable problem child of a son.
Said the guy who calls other people names!Grow up. Just keep stirring the shit.
If it was an assault remote, he could have canceled them. cnand if he stole his mom's remote control, would those 20 kindergarteners still be alive?
u do realize there is a slew of things that went wrong before the gun was even used in the school shooting ? heres where it goes wrong. ill number it. #1 his dumb ass mom left the gun open enough for it to be taken. #2 her son stole it. #3 her son shot her in the face. #4 her son drove with multiple stolen firearm across town. #5 he went into an elementary school and shot 5 more adults and 20 children. my point is that had his mother properly has the firearms locked away from her son who was known to have social problems none of this shit would have happened. as a gun owner she should have had more concern about having them left out. i say it should mean stricter gun laws for gun owners. not more firearms restrictions. becuz in all honesty the two handguns he had could have done the same amount of damage if not more than the "assault" rifle he had if he had good ammo in them. bet u gun safe and floor safe purchases would skyrocket if gun owners were actually held liable for where their firearms were. huh? like if ur shit gets used in a crime ur whole fucking safe better be missing or totally fucked up and noticeably broken into for u to get out of charges. no one in my household including family has direct access to guns that are mine unless im right there and thats usually only at the shooting range or out in the desert when we go. ammo is stored separate from the guns in a separate lock boxes also. one for each long gun and handgun. oh not to mention the one for my powder and pyrodex for my black powder guns. lmao. if my shit was gone they would have to have been some crafty fuckers becuz thats a heavy ass motherfucking safe not to mention how its placed.there was one less than a week ago. a firearm was left alone and adam lanza took it to massacre a classroom full of six year olds.
probably. but her cable bill probably would have been outrageous!and if he stole his mom's remote control, would those 20 kindergarteners still be alive?
everything i read and watch says she was afraid becuz she was alone and got into the hobby so i highly doubt they were all locked up and locked up properly at that. but the news and media has been wrong before.I thought she had'em locked up. She didn't? cn
especially owning only three guns. she probably had a gun lock thru them and had them in a closet. dumbest shit ever. any good 20 dollar bolt cutter will get them free if she didnt have the key in her top drawer or something stupid like that.everything i read and watch says she was afraid becuz she was alone and got into the hobby so i highly doubt they were all locked up and locked up properly at that. but the news and media has been wrong before.
So to sum it up, you don't actually know that she didn't have them locked up. But then, if she did have them locked up, he could of just as easily broke the lock? Speculation, speculation.especially owning only three guns. she probably had a gun lock thru them and had them in a closet. dumbest shit ever. any good 20 dollar bolt cutter will get them free if she didnt have the key in her top drawer or something stupid like that.
no info at all. but the truth will eventually come out. when it does i wouldnt be surprised if they werent locked up. they may have been in a gun cabinet. but a gun cabinet is easy to get into. gun safes are not. even a cheap gun safe from walmart is hard as shit to break into without powertools.So to sum it up, you don't actually know that she didn't have them locked up. But then, if she did have them locked up, he could of just as easily broke the lock? Speculation, speculation.
So for all we know, she could have had them in a 3" thick steel safe, and he could of held a knife to her throat until she gave him the key to it, and then the rest of the story happens.
Really though, is there not info on whether she had a gun cabinet or safe?
a cheap respectable safe. info at all. but the truth will eventually come out. when it does i wouldnt be surprised if they werent locked up. they may have been in a gun cabinet. but a gun cabinet is easy to get into. gun safes are not. even a cheap gun safe from walmart is hard as shit to break into without powertools.
Which probably are useless against high powered rifle rounds.
I don't think any nation's core documents, except maybe those incorporating the phrase "permanent revolution", extend beyond that nation's borders. cnso you americans agree that ,say n korea have the right to bear ( nuclear) arms , the bad guys have them, so using your same logic, n korea should have the right to protect themselves against intruders who allready have nukes. yet you guys are trying to stop any other country from getting them lol hypocrites much ?
its like the bad guys in america saying that it should be a right that they can carry a gun but the victims can not lol
I did. I think that more than thirty children have been killed by the AK-47 and variants alone. cnBlah blah wah wah children died omg!
A child dies of starvation every 5 seconds. EVERY 5 SECONDS. More children have died of starvation worldwide in the time it took you to read this thread than have ever been killed by assault rifles.
Think about it.