Want Legalization? Vote Donald Trump!

Should Trump be elected president?

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They want to completely corpororize it eventually. All the dispensaries and grows here are owned by lawyers and judges....kind of a "closet" monopoly and manipulation.
Unfortunately that day will be nearly the day after legalization. I did some consultant work for a commercial ag business in central cal that last year donated over 1 mill in produce to the homeless as a tax write off alone. They, like many companies are setting up commercial grows measured in the acres to get in as soon as the door opens for full legal status. Worst part is they have no intention of staying in it. They simply plan on providing a quality organic product long enough to create a brand name to sell to corporate before the price plumits.

The clubs are often an issue too, as you said. In Monterey, ca, walk in dispensories have always been banned...that is until a VERY wealthy city coucilmen was given the only permit to have 1 in the county recently. The compromise was that they would pay the rent on the entire building and allow the Monterey police dept to use the 2nd floor for a new precinct. All previous attempts at walk in despenseries in Monterey were not only fined for every day they remained open (I think $1000 per day) but had police parked outside every hour they were open harrasing patients.
They all quickly closed.

I think Trump and Sanders represent 1 very important shift in American politics, being that the average American currently recognizes we are in REAL need of change from our traditional 2 party system (even if the republicans don't realize that's what they want). Granted while Trump is certainly NOT in fact that different from any other money grubbing private interest twat on the hill he IS a popular choice for his ability to at least sound different then your average republican. Reb's are attracted to his perceived transparency. I find it a good sign that even if Trump voters aren't savvy enough to follow his actions over the years and differentiate them from his empty promises, at least they recognize that the other people in their party are lying scum.

Its a step in the right direction.

But you see, Mr. Trump is self-funding his campaign, and thus is not controlled by donors, special interests or lobbyists. He is only working for the people of the U.S.!


That's rediculous..you've basically just said

"we can trust private interest groups (a.k.a. trump) cause thay don't take hand outs....from private interest groups"

By electing Trump you essentially eliminate the middlemen and are turning our elected officials into the very people we are trying to keep from corrupting them in the first place.

But please...DO vote for him and further split the Reb vote...that would be super

P.S....juuuust saw the little "/joke" tag...lol :oops:
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So yeah...now that you idiots voted for Trump and hes president...he sure picked a winner in Sessions for legalizing marijuana huh? Everyone on this forum (a pro marijuana forum) that voted for the orange clown should be ashamed of themselves. For real. If that crazy old coot Sessions unleashes his DEA goon squad (he wants to really bad) I hope its your door they kick in first.
Yup. Reinstitution of mandatory minimum sentences, and the rescinding of any progress made by the Obama administration with regards to relaxing the laws inhibiting many of us who frequent this site...

Not that I want to have a political discussion.
Trump is a self-admitted sexual predator, a convicted swindler (Trump U. and bribery in FL), and an obvious serial liar. He appointed Jefferson Beauregard "Bilbo Bigot" Sessions as his AG, attacked our allies, embraced our enemies, and is agitating for war.

OP, turn off Fox "News" and stop reading Breitbart and Alex Jones. You'll be a lot smarter and less prone to stupid statements like, "Trump is gonna legalize it! derp."
Your gonna get crickets here from the pre election Trumpets. They were sold a lemon by the used car dealership of the GOP and FLOCKS NEWS.
I actually thought that trump would legalize it because hes a businessman and there is so much money to be made with weed legalization. But I guess not smh.
Well legalizing weed is helpful both for the medical purpose as well as for the state economy. It has the potential to revive the economy and the sick healthcare industry. So in my opinion govt should legalize its use and also regulate its market. So that it cannot be used for wrong purpose.