Want free light bulbs? Yea I bet you do.

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Well-Known Member
So I know a real asshole way to get free premium HPS/MH bulbs for life.

I won't say it publicly, but if someone is going through hard times financially and cannot afford a new bulb, or the premium ones, I'd be willing to share my method with you.

I've gotten 4 bulbs this past week already.

2x 400W HPS Ushio (Cost $45-50 Per, Paid $0)
2x 400W MH Hortilux (Cost $55-60 Per, Paid $0)

This is only for light bulbs, won't work for any other product.
No its not technically legit, its frowned upon doing this method, but it works.


bud bootlegger
not trying to be a dick here, but you say you'll only share the info with someone who needs a new bulb, yet you have gotten 4 new bulbs in the past week.. surely you didn't "need" all four bulbs.. picking up what i'm putting down here?


Well-Known Member
not trying to be a dick here, but you say you'll only share the info with someone who needs a new bulb, yet you have gotten 4 new bulbs in the past week.. surely you didn't "need" all four bulbs.. picking up what i'm putting down here?
I did actually.
I have ipower bulbs that have been used for 2 years now (Never replaced)
I saw a youtube video on bulbs and ipower wasn't even on the list, it was so bad it didn't even rank.
Hortilux & Ushio were the top brands so I needed bulbs.

Anyway the point.
I'm starting a perpetual.
I currently have 7 plants in one tent with 2 400W ballast.
I have another tent on standby for when I start mothers and 2 other 400W ballast that actually had no lights.

I can't spill the beans because I don't want people to abuse it, I can't afford $50 on bulbs so I used it and these bulbs will more than likely last me 2 years like the ipower ones.
I can however PM you the information so you can use it yourself, I just don't want people to get 100's of free bulbs then sell them on craiglist or ebay for 90% profit.

Im a cheap grower, I don't see the reason to spend thousands on grows for personal use. I tend to use under $50 per grow, PER GROW, not plant. I only buy seeds on attitudes xmas promo and only once every 2 years that is how cheap and efficent I am.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather spend twice as much for that hot lamp and not fuck up my karma/morals and ethics (if you believe in that, the karma anyway, morals and ethics are for real) than guys like you.
If it's free and it has value and WAS NOT given to you in a legitimate way you're nothing but a petty thief.
Not being a dick or anything just stating facts as I see them here.
Two years usage though I will say you are an efficient petty thief.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather spend twice as much for that hot lamp and not fuck up my karma/morals and ethics (if you believe in that, the karma anyway, morals and ethics are for real) than guys like you.
If it's free and it has value and WAS NOT given to you in a legitimate way you're nothing but a petty thief.
Not being a dick or anything just stating facts as I see them here.
Two years usage though I will say you are an efficient petty thief.

There are two kinds of people in this world that I just can't stand. One is a lair. The other is a thief. This guy seems to be both.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Because Cannabis.Is.Free comes from Australia, as everyone knows! And Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the light bulbs in front of you.
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