Wanna save my flowering pheno


Well-Known Member
I have two very different and distinct phenos I would like to preserve for breeding purposes that are F1s from a cross I made from reversing a feminized BF liberty haze and crossing with a fem SS dark devil auto. So far every offspring has produced a very different plant with very little traits from the parents until now. I was hoping to get something with color that was a photo These two are siblings
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These pictures are at 9 weeks now week ten. What do you think my success rates would be in trying to revert these back to veg being so late in flower? There are still a few white hairs here and there. I want to try and cross these two to get red/purple looking grapes on a stick so to speak. I suck at cloning and tried twice to clone them but none took. Has anyone done this personally?

I cut one of the buds open long ways...
yCloning is very, very simple and easy to do once you realize what not to do.

Don't harshly handle the cutting at any point.
Don't use a clipping tool without sanitizing it.
Don't place the clone in a medium that has a whack pH.
Do not feed clones until they establish.
Don't use a shitty/dull tool. I've always used a sharpened pocket knife.

Cut at a slant to increase surface area on the bottom of the stem. You get the picture, there's tons of useful information on clones in general around here. Rooting hormone helps with success rate.
yCloning is very, very simple and easy to do once you realize what not to do.

Don't harshly handle the cutting at any point.
Don't use a clipping tool without sanitizing it.
Don't place the clone in a medium that has a whack pH.
Do not feed clones until they establish.
Don't use a shitty/dull tool. I've always used a sharpened pocket knife.

Cut at a slant to increase surface area on the bottom of the stem. You get the picture, there's tons of useful information on clones in general around here. Rooting hormone helps with success rate.
Ya I do all that to a tee...that's not the problem, it's the environment. The liberty haze that I reversed was a clone. When I started growing it was just going in to winter here and the temps were perfect but now we have had an above average summer temp wise. I was at 80%. There is just no cool place to put them now. I thought I caught a break a few weeks ago and took sum cuttings and all was good until the 5th day, trade winds stopped and it blazed for days and broke a record high with 89...not too hot for me but clones didn't like it. They were in total shade and still were laying over when I got home. No one here has a/c and only utilize a heater or fireplace in the higher elevations.
So back to my original dilemma. Will it be more probable than not to reveg these two as they are literally a day or two from chopping? Leave as much leaf as possible and remove as much bud as possible? I only reverted a male before, a kali mist just cut all the stalks w/balls and it revegged in 3 weeks. I would think females are a little more difficult to gauge on just how much to leave on, or maybe I'm just overthinking this. I do know I want to save these two phenos.
reveg em...it will b a while till u have good cloning material but u will get it. dont take off all the flowers as that is where the new growth will b.
fill up beer bottles w water and freeze...replace the bottles wen u get up and wen u go to bed...these work wonders in a diy cloner that uses strictly water...no substrate...that will help
808newb, iv fully re-vegged after harvesting, just take main buds, leaving sum middle buds n leaves plus all popcorn buds,- as the new shoots -there's fkn loadsa new shoots..- ( look like rabbits-ears.! haha.. )- come from buds left on..
I did it with 'big bang 2' strain and it took me roughly 8 or 9 weeks til i started flowering her again. Took sum cuttings from it and had v.nearly same yield as first harvest.
Give it sum veg nutes- and keep lights on 24/7 , should definitely re-veg if you are patient ( and strain is quite stable..! ) Happy growing, keep us posted on what you do..
Well I never was able to preserve this one but I popped sum more beans out of the same batch and found another keeper that's darker than the 1st, smells like grape kool-aid, and leaves are even turning purple. I took 4 cuttings and only one took.