Wanna get rid of Arpaio? Or are you nuts?

Sheriff Joe enforces the written State laws (Scope of Power)... Unlike our County Attorney Bill Montgomery attempting to enforce Federal laws..(Not within Scope of Power)....

The unwritten motto of Az - 'Come on vacation, leave on probation'

If you break the Law in this State you are going to jail. Period. Is this not how Our system works?

Joe offered to sit down with "Latinos" and I am sure any other person that disagrees with his policies which are legal.
Have you haters done this? NO

Joe is a one of a kind man... Even the "Latinos" respect him... Maybe you have not seen the jails in Mexico? They are very happy "Latinos" in the jails if you have been there you would see they are happier than most other inmates.. Get real intel then complain.

Link to documentary? Is the documentary the only knowledge you have of this man?


What the fuck do jails in Mexico have to do with Sheriff Joe? Two different countries.
Read the dialogue...

His jails are not that bad as some claim... And the "Latinos" are the last to complain about the living quarter within Joe's jail...

Imagine pissing in a hole in the ground with a board to cover it, no lawyer, no right to be released, no consistent meals(family brings food in for you), no showers, no running water, filthy jails, guards in army fatigue with assault rifles, if you have money you get extorted by the courts, if no money taken to your "watchers" house until money is arraigned for your release $5k and up(Non citizens), I can go on...... Joe's tents are Paradise.
Link to documentary? Is the documentary the only knowledge you have of this man?

That's James Saville.

An undercover sheriff's officer drove around this 18-year old kid, bought bomb-making parts for him, had him assemble an inert device, and then arrested him for an "assassination attempt."

Of course, a Superior Court jury decided the kid was innocent- entrapment- and the resulting lawsuit paid out $1.1 million (after 9 years in the courts). That's just what Maricopa County paid; the insurance settlement isn't subject to FOIA requests, so the kid (and his lawyers) are probably substantially wealthier than that by now.
Were these things done by Sheriff Joe?

He is our elected Sheriff... Period.

How about the electoral election results?

With regard to the Electoral Election results - Obama won both the Electoral College and the Popular vote. I did not vote for him, but none the less, he clearly won the election and will be our President for the next 4 years and I respect the man for that.

I will also say that for our MMJ cause he is certainly the lesser of those two evils.

Gary Johnson 2016!
Saw this about our great program.
Health department needs to certify a group to grow mmj for patient/ailment testing purposes. This is the only way to study the true effects, not by reading/summarizing public reports.
That's never gonna happen. This state is using the mmj money to help fight and restrict the program, This is fucked up when are they gonna realize this is what people want.