Walmart stops selling ammo

Go ahead and be flattered - you certainly don't need me to do that.

You are an embodiment of all the delusional nit-wits that make up the two ends of the political landscape lately.

Speaking of the "two ends" of the political landscape. You have more in common with a Trumper than you do with a liberty and freedom loving person.

It's pretty safe to say the "two ends" are misrepresented as "the left and the right" and the reality is the two sides are those who want to control people using government and guns to do it and those who don't.
Speaking of the "two ends" of the political landscape. You have more in common with a Trumper than you do with a liberty and freedom loving person.

It's pretty safe to say the "two ends" are misrepresented as "the left and the right" and the reality is the two sides are those who want to control people using government and guns to do it and those who don't.
Your idea of “freedom and liberty “ involves racial segregation and raping 12 year olds
Your idea of “freedom and liberty “ involves racial segregation and raping 12 year olds

Your idea of "equal rights" involves a nonproperty owner forcing a property owner to serve him, against his will, like a rapist would do.
You obviously have no idea how forum software works.

A simple click on your name can show every IP you've ever logged in from and every account that has used that same IP.

They already know.
Good then it’s obvious I’ve never posed as anyone else.
That doesn't matter you assbackwards in need of toilet training imbecile. Property is property. If you own it, you get to decide how to use it. If somebody is forcing you to use your property the way you prefer not to, say your most private property (your body) they could be raping you.
No one is forced to open a store

You’re a pedophile and a racist