Walmart Grow Lights. Help?

I was in Walmart and I spotted these 24'' grow lights for sale. Since I had a stash of seeds at home I thought why not. So I got home and nig-rigged up a little grow box with 4 plants. Its now 2 or 3 weeks later and I am in the Veg stage. I have heard that these lights are not good for vegetation. I am allready onto my 5 leaf sets if you know what I mean.

I have the plants touching the lights because they run cooler than power rangers. There are 3 lights. Do you think this is sufficient?

BTW I am growing in soil. I have no idea what kind these are but by the look of it I have 2 indicas and 2 sativas! Thoughts?


Active Member
I have 2 of these lights but i use them for side lighting. are they the 75watt ones??? or did they say 75 watt grow lights? Cuz if so they are really only 20watts. They are equal to 75inde. Just my lil input take it or leave it. Lmao.


I have 2 of these lights but i use them for side lighting. are they the 75watt ones??? or did they say 75 watt grow lights? Cuz if so they are really only 20watts. They are equal to 75inde. Just my lil input take it or leave it. Lmao.
I think I know what lights your are talking about. Those lights are not grow lights at all. Their lumen output is probally less than 1000, and they are meant only to provide lighting that enhances the natural colors of flowers etc, not for growing purpose.

The "grow Light" name can be a little misleading, just know there isn't going to be 1 light that can fill all your needs, with the exception of the sun. Your best bet is to go out and buy some cheap 1-15 dollar CFL's.
Yeah it says 75 watt light output on the box.. that I still have for some retarded reason. There is also a picture of pretty flowers... that makes me feel better!
If I use CFLs, do I run the risk of burning my house down since I am growing in a cardboard box? Also, if I choose to go that route, what is the easiest way to set them up. I have no idea how to set up bulb housings or whatever the fack it is.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
If I use CFLs, do I run the risk of burning my house down since I am growing in a cardboard box? Also, if I choose to go that route, what is the easiest way to set them up. I have no idea how to set up bulb housings or whatever the fack it is.
You probably don't run any more risk of burning your house down than someone who has extension cords running behind the couch, behind the drapes, and on the carpeting.

One options is to use cheap extension cords with plug-ins like the one in the thumb nail. Try the hardware store or home depot

Another option is to use a clamp on shop light, with a "y" connector for 2 CFL's like this

As far as the grow tubes the original poster is using, those are fine for veg, but you should upgrade to T5 or HPS for flowering.



Yeah it says 75 watt light output on the box.. that I still have for some retarded reason. There is also a picture of pretty flowers... that makes me feel better!
Well the wattage is really not so important as the lumens the light creates. I'm willing to bet the watt to lumen ratio is pretty crappy. CFLs are pretty easy to use, you can buy some adapters from walmart or any hardware store and plug them right into a power strip and hang the power strip above the plants with a hook or something of the like. They don't burn hot so there is virtually no chance of them catching your cardboard on fire other than an electrical short or something of the like.

You're really going to want to upgrade your grow box out of the cardboard box too, it's not going to contain the smell when the plants start to mature.


Active Member
I stared with cfls but they are just a pain in the butt and after it was all said in done i spent the same amount of money that i would have just bought a HPS.. so now.. i went and got one HAHA.. 400watt. Much better..

stink hole

Active Member
If I use CFLs, do I run the risk of burning my house down since I am growing in a cardboard box? Also, if I choose to go that route, what is the easiest way to set them up. I have no idea how to set up bulb housings or whatever the fack it is.
dude you wont burn down your house and a cfl will fit in any household socket you can be honest with you your tube will do fine while you are vegging...then get some red spec. cfls and you will be in the money......remember if anything i said here helped you dont for get to +rep