walipini - underground greenhouse


Well-Known Member
thats pretty awesome! once you get a few feet down the temp of the ground stays around 60 ish. Thats how geothermal heating/cooling works.

I think those brothers in CO from weedwars did something similar to this cause there green houses go all winter and theyre build into the side of a hill.

Definitely something to think about.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the quality you could get out of one. I have seen some light deprivation GH bud the last few years
that was absolutely amazing. I would think the smell/taste would be affected by being underground. Maybe a lot of air
movement and bringing other plants species in could have a positive affect.


Well-Known Member
Youd probably want to grow mushrooms in the corner of the room so they could use up some of the extra humidity and supply CO2

Also i think anyone growing weed would use this combined with. some lights and probably have a heater in it as well as CO2

This would be an awesome way to save money by not needing to run the heater all day just occasionally at night and the lights would only need to run to supplement however many hours youd want.

Im savin this page for future projects. haha

edit: oh yeah +rep


Well-Known Member
I will buy you the shovel Rrog.



Well-Known Member