Wal-mart Fluorescent Grow Lights?


Active Member
has anyone used the plant grow light s from walmart?they are the 10$ ones that say for flowers and plants?i got 2 of them and seem to be working great after 3rd day of use seedlings are almost 3 inches already


bud bootlegger
do you have a pix of them, or possibly a link?? the only lights i could think of that would come from walmart that would be good to grow with would be the spiral cfl types that they sell there....
but until i'm sure what bulb you're talking about, i nor anyone could really help out too much.. see if you can't find a link from wally worlds site and post it up and we can go from there m8.


Active Member
i took the plastic covers off and have them 4 inches away from lil ones i just tied 2 together for 6 starters and leave them on 24hrs how long can i do this and when can i put them outside or under HPS light?which would be better I live in So Cal close to beach so weather is mostly upper 60s to low 80s the rest of year


if doesn't drop too low at night you'll be good. people have different ideas of what's right and wrong so use your own judgement. but i say if it's not going below 55(at night) or so you'll be fine.
p.s. i'm in so cal too
p.p.s. if you go outside be sure to be prepared for possible bugs


Active Member
yeah i had a prob on one of my plants got this stuf called Safer 3in1 organic insecticide and fungus spray from my hydro shop and so far so good no more eating my leaves


Well-Known Member
You know wal-mart sells Two Bulb 4' T8 Fixtures for 10 bucks, and the 6500k and 3000k 2 packs of bulbs are ike another 7 bucks...They're 32w each, and I think "grow light" he's talking about is the 17w model thats like 18 inches...While we're talking cheap walmart lighting...lol


Active Member
these are the 24 inch under cabinet grow lights they say Grow Light portable light 75 watt light output-uses 17 watts of power the box was green and says great for plant and flowers.I was about to get the ones u mentioned but saw these and thought i would try them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they're fine. I would go with the 4' two bulb setup...that way you have a better coverage area, and you have 2 x 32w bulbs, so you can use two 6500k, two 2600k-3000k, or one 6500k and one 3000k at the same time for mixed spectrum. Plus, instead of giving your plants 17w of actual light, you're giving them 64w...


Well-Known Member
T8 is the bulb shape/size

Most fluorescents come in either:


T5's are the most efficient, but they cost a lot more than T8's...I use the 4' 2 bulb T8 as overhead lighting in my veg cab, plants like it but I also have CFL's in there right up on them, cause the light from CFL's is more concentrated.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I actually would like to try just using t8's for veg...Maybe get like 3 or 4 two bulb fixtures going...4 would be 256 actual watts.

I just fear the plants would stretch...but I guess it would be worth the experiment.


Well-Known Member
No, it's only using 17w actual...it's 75w equivalent(but not really)...With fluorescents, you should always go by the actual wattage, not the "light output" or whatever...Find out how many watts it actually draws...Walmart has those spiral fluorescent bulbs...they're called CFL's...Get some of those that come in a clear package with blue and white cardboard inside..you're looking for 6500k(good for veg) and 2700k(good for flowering)...The 6500k come in 2 packs for like 8 bucks. Those lights actually work pretty well, and I used the 2700k for flowering. I got rock hard dank buds, but not a huge plant.


Active Member
I just want to veg them under fluorescent and then pop outside in this So Cal summer but I also want to pop some under 600 watt HPS how long should I veg them under these lights?


Well-Known Member
Haha..hmm...well, veg them till they're as tall as you want...lol...just remember that when you switch them to 12/12, they're going to double or triple in size, so keep any height restrictions in mind when vegging.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, outside is prime, put those suckers in the 3.8 gallon pots, let 'em grow and then you might wanna transplant into something bigger a couple months down the line. But yeah, SoCal bro, I've got seedlings out in the rain right now, they're just fine!


Active Member
damn bro i put mine inside last night and this morning left them in and put under cfl should i just put it back outside?will it harm this any its only 2 weeks old starting second set of flowers and is green and healthy?