Wake Up RIU: Parents sue son who refuses to move out

Kinda. I figure i still have a lot of fun ahead of me tho. :bigjoint:

Oh, you do. Remember all these years you spent worrying about what others think of you? Well, you realise that you don't give a toss about what they think any more so become even more "yourself" than before, anything within certain personal limits can become fair game as you find you enjoy the new, lower stress, life you have.

They say that lasts until you're 60, when you realised how much vital time was lost thinking people gave a shit in the first case...
Oh, you do. Remember all these years you spent worrying about what others think of you? Well, you realise that you don't give a toss about what they think any more so become even more "yourself" than before, anything within certain personal limits can become fair game as you find you enjoy the new, lower stress, life you have.

They say that lasts until you're 60, when you realised how much vital time was lost thinking people gave a shit in the first case...
I’m 45 and can’t remember ever caring what people think of me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don’t care what theirs is of me..
Garbage bags for luggage at 30 says something. He couldn't even bother getting some free boxes from the grocery store?
I still want to know how he thinks being chronically unemployed, non stable living conditions and no apparent assets is a viable strategy to win legal custody of an 8 yr old child. I'm fascinated
Me too. I feel sorry for the child.

...the younger one, that is.
Something wrong in his head, by 13/14 if your kids aren't planning their exit strategy you were a shitty parent or you birthed a defective 'kid'. I miss the reality of the 50's and 60's. It was, logical.

Seriously, after getting an eviction order they are fighting over Legos!

Things are no longer like they were in those days. Back then a job flipping burgers was enough to raise a family on.
Things are no longer like they were in those days. Back then a job flipping burgers was enough to raise a family on.

Back then, you would take the job flipping burgers because it was at least a job to keep you going until something better came along, there wasn't the same sense of "entitlement" seen nowadays where people deign that such jobs are "below their status".
Back then, you would take the job flipping burgers because it was at least a job to keep you going until something better came along, there wasn't the same sense of "entitlement" seen nowadays where people deign that such jobs are "below their status".
Do you ever actually think before shooting off your mouth? It's pretty clear you don't read and can't think.

The point I was making was that every job paid a living wage, in stark contrast to today's situation.

People would very often work just such short order cook jobs for their whole careers and be able to earn a reasonable living.

The question anyone with half a brain would ask next is, 'why is this no longer the case?'

Of course you failed that test.

People don't stay in burger flipping jobs anymore for the simple and obvious reason that they can't pay their bills with one anymore. How is that the fault of the people willing to work? Surely you have the answer- Fix News has given you Received Truth, so do grace us with your enlightenment.
Do you ever actually think before shooting off your mouth? It's pretty clear you don't read and can't think.

The point I was making was that every job paid a living wage, in stark contrast to today's situation.

People would very often work just such short order cook jobs for their whole careers and be able to earn a reasonable living.

The question anyone with half a brain would ask next is, 'why is this no longer the case?'

Of course you failed that test.

People don't stay in burger flipping jobs anymore for the simple and obvious reason that they can't pay their bills with one anymore. How is that the fault of the people willing to work? Surely you have the answer- Fix News has given you Received Truth, so do grace us with your enlightenment.

My, someone's touchy today.

Go back 30 years and I know I would take any damn job rather than be on social security, and given that over 40 years ago both my parents had to work full time WITH extra money earned via things like selling tupperware I would say that such a short order cook job would not have been enough to sustain our family of 5. I guess it all depends on how you describe "reasonable living", but being a parasite on your parents in such a manner at the age of 30, or 20 years ago to my generation, refusing to get a job, any job, as that is too "low" for you, and so on would have brought a severe level of embarrassment upon you which is not there with the modern, "entitled", generation.

And it's clear who has the reading problem, it's the one who thinks that anything posted in a reply to him is an "attack" when the reality can be quite different.

I suggest you look at things again.
It was just how things were back when they first started popping up, you rarely found an adult working at a fast food joint other then the manager. Today you rarely find a teen working at them.
When I was a little kid, there were no "fast food places"; there were 'greasy spoons", diners and burger stands. All were non-franchised and privately owned; usually family operated. Available jobs for teens (non family) were dishwashers, car hops and some waitressing; all minimum wage. Franchising was the impetus to "fast food" shops and became common in the 60's when I hit the job market in high school. Usually there was only one adult per dayshift and all the rest were kids; I worked at an A&W Rootbeer burger stand four nights/week and a dayshift on Sat or Sun for $1.15/hr and we were all kids (ca1966-67). Turn over was high but it didn't matter cuz all kids wanted jobs and there was always work to be found. The best job I had as a teen was for $1.45/hr and worked at a generator/alternator repair and replacement place. It was a 2 man operation until they hired me cause business got better so they could afford/needed the help.
When I was a little kid, there were no "fast food places"; there were 'greasy spoons", diners and burger stands. All were non-franchised and privately owned; usually family operated. Available jobs for teens (non family) were dishwashers, car hops and some waitressing; all minimum wage. Franchising was the impetus to "fast food" shops and became common in the 60's when I hit the job market in high school. Usually there was only one adult per dayshift and all the rest were kids; I worked at an A&W Rootbeer burger stand four nights/week and a dayshift on Sat or Sun for $1.15/hr and we were all kids (ca1966-67). Turn over was high but it didn't matter cuz all kids wanted jobs and there was always work to be found. The best job I had as a teen was for $1.45/hr and worked at a generator/alternator repair and replacement place. It was a 2 man operation until they hired me cause business got better so they could afford/needed the help.
Didn't A&W have the container you turned into a megaphone?
Fast food jobs were never intended to provide a living wage. They were jobs for kids in high school to earn a few bucks.

says who? Fox News? The reality is fast food is full of older people that can't afford to retire now as well as some people that can't get better jobs. Even some of the crappiest jobs want college degrees now. But fast food managers used to be real jobs at least. Today few pay a decent wage. In and out managers are paid well though $150k even or more, about triple most other places.

My father was paid by IBM while still in school to accept a job when he graduated! They don't do that anymore.

Back 30 years ago I took a year off from college and worked in a lumberyard. I made 31k for the year and rented a duple for 650 a month.
Well today that job pays little more but that apartment is 2500 a month! Younger people are screwed today.

Don't forget back in the day you didn't have to compete with women or minorities for most jobs.... Ivy league schools, except one did not even accept women until the late 70s.

The GI bill used to let pretty much any vet go to college for next to nothing, and there were jobs waiting for just about all of them.
When I was a little kid, there were no "fast food places"; there were 'greasy spoons", diners and burger stands. All were non-franchised and privately owned; usually family operated. Available jobs for teens (non family) were dishwashers, car hops and some waitressing; all minimum wage. Franchising was the impetus to "fast food" shops and became common in the 60's when I hit the job market in high school. Usually there was only one adult per dayshift and all the rest were kids; I worked at an A&W Rootbeer burger stand four nights/week and a dayshift on Sat or Sun for $1.15/hr and we were all kids (ca1966-67). Turn over was high but it didn't matter cuz all kids wanted jobs and there was always work to be found. The best job I had as a teen was for $1.45/hr and worked at a generator/alternator repair and replacement place. It was a 2 man operation until they hired me cause business got better so they could afford/needed the help.

I am in my 50's and made 7 an hour in High School under the table.
My brother got paid $12.50 an hour in 1979 for a summer internship at Motorola. Now they don't pay anything or minimum wage!
At 10 years old I was in the fields picking rocks for a couple bucks a day until I got big enough to help with bailing hay, then I made $5 an hour. Got my first factory job at 18 grinding excess weld off mining buckets for $8.50 an hour and still managed to buy my first house at 20, sure it was a piece of shit and needed to be fixed up but that's what I did, one room at a time. By the time I was 28 I had flipped 4 houses and managed to become a welder myself making almost $20 an hour and for this area that's pretty good. I never expected anything to be given to me and worked my ass off, more people need to do the same.