Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Opened 2 jars today and the weed has soured? :confused:

I have no other words, it was cured properly {at least I thought it was} and stored in air tight mason jars.

No mold or obvious abnormal growth {fungus}, but damn it smells something fierce and it's not a nice aroma. :spew:

I'm a total noob when it comes to growing so it's probably something I did when curing, but it still sucks the high hard one....I can't afford this kind of mistake to happen again, any ideas what the fuck I did?

Can {should} I smoke this?

Nice to have roaches...baked :joint:

Does it still smell after like 15/20 minutes outside the jar? I know some strains smell bad but once the air gets to them they are ok. Do you have a scope to check for mold?
Rule of thumb I go by is goes into jars when the stems are snappy dry. :D
Actually the foulness does seem to dissipate when out of the jar but it still smells when brought close to the nose. Unfortunately I don't own a scope and at this moment would be hard pressed to find a magnifying glass. It's lost a lot of colour also, more brown then green...thinking this year I better pay attention in class and take proper notes.

Maybe that was it... went in to damp
Actually the foulness does seem to dissipate when out of the jar but it still smells when brought close to the nose. Unfortunately I don't own a scope and at this moment would be hard pressed to find a magnifying glass. It's lost a lot of colour also, more brown then green...thinking this year I better pay attention in class and take proper notes.

Maybe that was it... went in to damp

Dang, a jar molding over is the worst.

All the hard work growing it for ~three months, trimming it, drying it, curing it and bam! Ruined.

I have run into that once, but I was able to see the mold itself (it was white and fuzzy).

I personally dry like Chiceh said, let it get "snappy dry" and then throw it in jars. Once in jars, I pop 'em every day and take the buds themselves out, set them out, and let them dry again until they start getting crispy. Usually takes about 10 days of doing it every day, then I do once every other day, then once every few days, then once a week, popping the jars and taking them out only when they get very spongy and moist.

It's probably a little more dry than how most guys do, but it works for me, and I haven't had any mold problems since I started doing it that way. Usually after 10 days the smoke is smooth as a baby's ass, and it only gets better from then on.
Dang, a jar molding over is the worst.

All the hard work growing it for ~three months, trimming it, drying it, curing it and bam! Ruined.

I have run into that once, but I was able to see the mold itself (it was white and fuzzy).

I personally dry like Chiceh said, let it get "snappy dry" and then throw it in jars. Once in jars, I pop 'em every day and take the buds themselves out, set them out, and let them dry again until they start getting crispy. Usually takes about 10 days of doing it every day, then I do once every other day, then once every few days, then once a week, popping the jars and taking them out only when they get very spongy and moist.

It's probably a little more dry than how most guys do, but it works for me, and I haven't had any mold problems since I started doing it that way. Usually after 10 days the smoke is smooth as a baby's ass, and it only gets better from then on.

The odd thing was that I did burp the jars, as many have stated in their threads to ensure a better cured product. So this result comes from my not wanting to screw up and being a little over zealous in my first attempt at growing.
As a side note, I grew outdoors due to certain restrictions and it took several months to get the job done and may be a factor in this result. Not so much the time but the environment.

On the other hand I did end up growing some very good Blueberry Kush, dried and cured to perfection with the advice I found here, so that's another reason for my wanting to know what happened with the other stuff. Like Chiceh, yourself and others have mentioned, it was probably put to bed wet :cry:.

Thanks blacksun {didn't want to use a short form, it would have been BS ;-)}
Every single day.


Buenos Dias a todos! No estoy despierto hasta que me estoy drogado!
Good Morning, RIU!

That other thread influenced my bong music...


Wake and Bake is THE BEST!!! Seriously, munchies... Cereal, eggs, some farina and toast, throw on some PB and honey!
Good morning RIU. Wow all the snow is melted and gone, it feels like spring out there. Now I can see all the dog shit I need to clean up....damn eh LOL. :D

Bacon, French Toast, Orange Juice and some ww x bb. Good Morning.

and for the record I use real maple syrup not that fake garbage.

Great song to listen to in the am. when you high
goooooood moooooorning RIU! time for the daily wake and bake. rise up and hold those bongs up high! bongsmilie ..... sometimes I wish I was young again and can get a chance to do it all over ....
speaking of.....and a bowl of casey jones for a good wake n bake


Mellow music morning, Goes nicely with the mellow bowl.

I hope you don't mind, but I gotta comment on you name... I read it and wondered how one would keep a fart around until it got old, and if the curiosity is the smell. And then I realized your name means you're old(er). LoL.