Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Hot and humid today. Mid 80's and getting hotter the next few days :-(

Stay cool and hydrated......and don't forget the powder :blsmoke:
Good morning!!

I am clicking the AC on in about 2 minutes!! Gonna be a hot one! All week!!

I have a contractor coming at 10 am for my basement water proofing project...an exterior perimeter drain. A little worried he will want to see the inside of the basement, so I will shut everything down just before he gets here and lock the door on the flower room....Best I can do.
Good morning!!

I am clicking the AC on in about 2 minutes!! Gonna be a hot one! All week!!

I have a contractor coming at 10 am for my basement water proofing project...an exterior perimeter drain. A little worried he will want to see the inside of the basement, so I will shut everything down just before he gets here and lock the door on the flower room....Best I can do.
Good morning & good luck
remember when The Six Million Dollar Man came on TV, and us kids were like, ooooo, holy shit, six million dollars! But it was the Bionic Woman that I dreamed of, with her Bionic Vagina. Suppose I had no chance at competing with Steve Austin's Bionic Boner. But hey, if they're only 6 million, everyone would have them. A lot of men.
Unconfident men.
Not me.
I don't need a Bionic boner. At my age, I'm happy to take a Bionic crap once a week.MV5BMTQ2NTM2NTY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjgwNTkwMDE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg