Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I'm re-tracing my steps to see if I can find where I left them.
Sister I’m not mad at you or anyone else here. I’m sorry that anyone thought I was.
Dudes I ASKED for that dab straw cause she was stopping for her tobacco.
I had the best day with my brother but she was just ‘there’.
So there you have it.
Ramp might get finished today and I think I’m going to binge watch something. I want to watch Lost again but I’m not paying for it.
Damn I want another burrito already, and it's 9:30 am :lol: I'll wait!

I got instantly pissed off before I was out of bed today. The guy who was supposed to pick up my motorcycle texted early and said he changed his mind. That's what I get for being a nice guy and holding it for 2 days without a deposit. What a jerk, but at least he called I suppose.

No worries though, I have buyer number 3 coming from Buffalo, NY today to buy it.

Transplanting on the agenda this morning....Gotta work up a burrito appetite!!