Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Wake'n Bake this morn with "found" weed of unknown origin.
Running around animated emoticon

May be some I bought years ago, could be some I grew years ago, might
have belonged to a number of yahoos that have borrowed my truck in the past.
I Dunno Hand Gesture animated emoticon

It don't matter any way as It's mine now. lol
monkey with glasses smoking emoticon

100+ [ Napoleon Dynamite Quotes Skills ] | Napoleon Dynamite Gif ...
Ok I found the original thread again. @shrxhky420 can’t we combine the threads. Idk but here it goes.

Fed all the kids and drinking cup #2. Burning that found weed. It’s nice, making my eyelids heavy.
Wino Barbie is still sleeping. The dog got a corn snake this morning. The same one we saved last night from her jaws. I guess a hunting dog has got to do what a hunting dog does. Even though I don’t like it.
Have a great day
Local boys for the morning kickoff
