Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning Chiceh and everyone else. I'm waked and bakin

How's you scavanger hunt going? Got all my pictures taken and just stalling around waiting to post them. Man that was some fun shit. I really enjoyed it myself.

I gotta get the last 2 and take some pics, but I will be ready to submit them tomorrow night, lol. I am not sure how creative mine will be, but hey who cares it is fun, lol.bongsmilie:lol:
Ozzie is doing great....cause he isn't here!!!! lol.
He is at his bird sitters house for the next month while I go to Germany
to see the hubby....Hopefully she will keep him!:lol:
It is hard to leave pet when we go away huh?. I have 2 dogs and find it very hard to find someone to look after them. Boarding them is very expensive too. So we just stay around. bongsmilie:lol:
Chiceh I know what you mean. I have 2 dogs also. I cannot be without them. They go where I go, and if they can't, I don't go. The dogs are going with me. I would take the bird, but, it is too complicated to take a bird out of the country. In Germany, they would hold my bird in quarantine, and this could last months. Thank god the dogs are easy to take, or I wouldn't be going!! Gotta love the pups!;-)
Chiceh I know what you mean. I have 2 dogs also. I cannot be without them. They go where I go, and if they can't, I don't go. The dogs are going with me. I would take the bird, but, it is too complicated to take a bird out of the country. In Germany, they would hold my bird in quarantine, and this could last months. Thank god the dogs are easy to take, or I wouldn't be going!! Gotta love the pups!;-)

Yes gotta love my doggies, could imagine life without them. I grew up with a dog. I like cats too and have had them in the past, but now we are a dog family. I wish I could have lots. :mrgreen::peace:
My dog is a conehead right now :-(

She was crashing into stuff with her cone last night ( like at 3 in the morning) so I got up to help guide her to where she wanted to go. Instead she jumped on the bad and hogged my side all night. I let her stay there because I feel bad for her and her cone.
My dog is a conehead right now :-(

She was crashing into stuff with her cone last night ( like at 3 in the morning) so I got up to help guide her to where she wanted to go. Instead she jumped on the bad and hogged my side all night. I let her stay there because I feel bad for her and her cone.

What's up with the cone? Why the need for it? I feel so sorry for dogs when I see them with a cone on, they usually look so ashamed. :-(
She had this little teeny scratch on the top of her nose, I mean you could barely see the thing it was so small. She kept scratching at it and wouldn't leave it alone so now it's a huge open sore. The cone was the last resort, the thing will never heal if she keep ripping the scab off of it.

Hell she's ripped the scab off a couple of time with the cone. We take it off so she can eat and on her way to her bowl, rip there went the scab. Yesterday she was on the bed with my husband, we took the cone off because he promised he would keep an eye on her. Well the TV got too good and rip there went the scab.

She goes to the vet next week, I hope they don't think we abused her. Poor girl.
She had this little teeny scratch on the top of her nose, I mean you could barely see the thing it was so small. She kept scratching at it and wouldn't leave it alone so now it's a huge open sore. The cone was the last resort, the thing will never heal if she keep ripping the scab off of it.

Hell she's ripped the scab off a couple of time with the cone. We take it off so she can eat and on her way to her bowl, rip there went the scab. Yesterday she was on the bed with my husband, we took the cone off because he promised he would keep an eye on her. Well the TV got too good and rip there went the scab.

She goes to the vet next week, I hope they don't think we abused her. Poor girl.

I hope she gets better soon. :hug:

I can't find one of the contest items, I am out. :sad:

Im firing up my vape .. Im with you guys ..Cheers

Still baking here, bongsmilie:mrgreen::peace:
Can someone fly over my house and drop a bag in the yard? There is none to be had anywhere around here. Everyone is out. This sucks total ass !!!

I hate fucking election years, shit always dries up like this, dammit, dammit, dammit.