New Member
sparkin' right now

Gooooooood Morning Vette!
Thanks MissHester, the bird is carazzzy![]()
I have the lady in TN that says she wants him, but, she stopped returning my calls...LOL.
I think I am stuck with him, it is like being stuck in a bad marriage....Ugh.
Oh well, it is life and I will make the best of the worst.
Hey, did you go to Gettysburg??? Any Ghosts?
That is cool. It is funny what kids remember. The littlest things can stay burned in their memories, too cool.
These types of birds are cool and they can capture you heart quite quickly. Mine talks a lot and it is like having a 2yr old all the time, however, it is a 2yr old with a filthy mouth and he sometimes packs a gun! He is cool though, he is going through sexual maturity right now and he thinks I am his mate. This is where my problems are with him. He looks at me as his wife and he is a wife beater!! If I can get passed this mating thing I think it will all be good. In the meantime, I stay high!![]()
I just bookmarked it. I have heard of this place. Too cool.
do they make blow up birds with orafices?
We got the Hotel package .. Im excited We got the Al Capone package ... You should go we can meet up and Blaze together ..