Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
twisty can i capture any of your smilies to use else where?

I guess... I'm not sure what you mean... I copy them and stick them in documents... some here can upload w/out the attachment thing... do you want me to throw them up so up can grab or what....... I'm terrible with images... I just spent 30 min trying to resize shit in photoFUCKET..... I just can't figure it out... image(shit)shack either......

Ahhh.. the life of a dinosaur.....


Well-Known Member
afternoon all. chillin listening to some sublime loadin' my bbongg.

how many of you know the flavor of your weed? the stuff I'm smoking now is mostly pine flavor :D


Well-Known Member
oh nice I haven't had a nice skunk flavor in a year or so. I only usually get what I grow, this area of norcal I"m in it seems like I have the best weed within 5 miles or nobody's sharing!

either way I'm hoping I get some skunky shit in this years crop :D terpenes are still fairly new to me.