Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
yes it does. Plus don't want to get into a situation where she can't make the payments and we get stuck with them. Better to save and buy outright.

I swear kids get more expensive when they become adults.


Well-Known Member
Miss, me too!!! I don't know why I didn't wear gloves. I will be wearing them today!! I hate throwing these bushes and trees out, so I have been planting them in the vacant lot next door, lol. Today I am hopefully going to finish and then lay my mulch...WooHooo!


New Member
Got anything called a California Lilac (Ceanothus) ? It's not an actual lilac, but it looks similar only I don't think they get as large.

I got the front of my house all raked up and the flower beds had a lot of green going on under there. I'd like to work on the back today, but it's supposed to be 70 and my bike is screaming from the garage, I can hear it now, (git yer motor runnin...)


Well-Known Member
Got anything called a California Lilac (Ceanothus) ? It's not an actual lilac, but it looks similar only I don't think they get as large.

I got the front of my house all raked up and the flower beds had a lot of green going on under there. I'd like to work on the back today, but it's supposed to be 70 and my bike is screaming from the garage, I can hear it now, (git yer motor runnin...)
I love them, they smell soooo good. Since I have cleaned out the beds I do want to put something in them that is more controllable. I swear on the one side of my house, it is boxed in and hidden...I am really thinking of doing another outdoor grow there....but then I will spend my summer paranoid watching all the choppers overhead....yikes.
If I don't do a grow on the one side I am going to do bulbs....I figure after they bloom I can just cut them back and be done. The things I have out there now are so invasive and they just went nuts!
If my sweetie was here I would blow off the whole yard work deal and I would go riding too, nothing like the first ride of the year! You go girl!!:hug:


New Member
My neighbors are too close to even think about an outdoor grow. I'm staying in the closet with my grow for now.

I wish I could do an outdoor though, just like 3 plants, maybe 4, that would keep me in weed for the whole year.


Well-Known Member
We don't like to buy on credit, with weather affecting hubby's job so much, it's just not a smart thing to do and the school season is almost over so her job will be ending for now and if she can get unemployment, it's going to be a tiny amount. She's going to get a waitress job this summer to earn more money.

I want her to have a goal to work towards, otherwise she'll just want to kick back on unemployment all summer. Wanting the bike is making her think about a summer job.
Thats a good thing ..

Working twards a goal teach's control
Thats the problem with kids these days..they get it all handed to them.. my friends kid has PS1,2,3..XBOX 1, 360 and all nintendo..the fucking kid has two thumbs... why all those games... he asks and he gets... At 12 I'd beat the shit out of boxes pretending to play the drums..so my parents said get the money, and you can buy some drums...
I got a paper route and helped a dry cleaner delivery guy... in less than a year I got my 1st drum set..(much to the parents dismay).... bought my own 1st bike CL70 at 15.....

Morning everyone. Beautiful day here, good for all the yard work that needs to get done.

But, first......Wake n Bake.bongsmilie
Morning Sunny.....


Well-Known Member
Mornin Twisty!:hug:

I am one of those bad parents.:( I have a tendency to bribe my kids....finish college and you get a new car, get a job and you get a down payment on a house, I pay for it all....I just want them to have nothing to worry about, except school. My one son is graduating this spring and his world will change. He knows this, but, he doesn't believe it. I figure that I have done my job and now it is time for him to grow up a little and take some of the burden off of me, we will see. I don't think my way of raising kids was good....they are spoiled and demand the finest things in life....:(:( If I could do it over I would not of bought them cars and rented them apartments...Would of, could of, should of.....


Well-Known Member
My kids are getting NOTHING .. If you want a hand ..Its at the end of your sleeve.

You want a car ,Start saving ,
what you need rent money ..? Heres a tent find a nice place in the woods .

I'll give them everything as kids but as they grow up ,13 and on .. The game gets tougher You want it ,You work for it ..


New Member
I don't think any way of raising kids is perfect. There's drawbacks to pretty much everything.

I used to make them rake and do chores for getting poor grades, I'd tell them, If you can't work with your mind then you have to work with your hands so let's get those callouses started, toughen you up.


Well-Known Member
Wow Vette, I am shocked! I thought you were pretty much raised with a silver spoon....

I don't believe in 'hand outs' however, I believe in a 'hand up' I know I would not have all the things I have without the help of my parents....but, there is a time when you have to say enough is enough....I will always help my kids, always.


New Member
If my son is too broke to afford lunch, he can come here and visit my kitchen, but I won't dole out cash for fast food. Last night he called me whining about being out of weed and not being able to get any until today and I told him no , "sorry but that will run me short, you need to learn to budget and plan ahead". He always says give me some now and when I get some I'll give it back, but it never seems to work that way, I give and then don't get.


Well-Known Member
If my son is too broke to afford lunch, he can come here and visit my kitchen, but I won't dole out cash for fast food. Last night he called me whining about being out of weed and not being able to get any until today and I told him no , "sorry but that will run me short, you need to learn to budget and plan ahead". He always says give me some now and when I get some I'll give it back, but it never seems to work that way, I give and then don't get.
That is pretty much how I deal with things around here too. Where I break is when they need things that are so unaffordable for a college student. Like cars, insurance, and rent. When college is over, I will be done with paying for that stuff. Now when they are ready to buy a home, I will be there with a down payment and anything else I can offer...In todays world it is so impossible for these young adults to get anywhere without a little help. If I have it, I give it....Now, my herb is a different story! My son that smokes knows the deal, don't touch mommas herb or you will lose a hand, lol!


Well-Known Member
Mornin Twisty!:hug:

I am one of those bad parents.:( I have a tendency to bribe my kids....finish college and you get a new car, get a job and you get a down payment on a house, I pay for it all....I just want them to have nothing to worry about, except school. My one son is graduating this spring and his world will change. He knows this, but, he doesn't believe it. I figure that I have done my job and now it is time for him to grow up a little and take some of the burden off of me, we will see. I don't think my way of raising kids was good....they are spoiled and demand the finest things in life....:(:( If I could do it over I would not of bought them cars and rented them apartments...Would of, could of, should of.....
Using bribes to get them to finish school/accomplish something is one thing, but my friends kid is a lump..won't get off his ass to take a dump if he could get out of it.. one of those never do chores, go to store ..etc kids.. just Waa I want............:finger:


New Member
I bought my son a car, he had to have this certain car, I wanted to shop around but no he had to have that one. A month after he bought it there was trouble, he took it to the shop and they made it worse. Now he has a non running car and I get to hear about how I bought him a shitty car, there will be no more car buying.


Well-Known Member
Wow Vette, I am shocked! I thought you were pretty much raised with a silver spoon....

I don't believe in 'hand outs' however, I believe in a 'hand up' I know I would not have all the things I have without the help of my parents....but, there is a time when you have to say enough is enough....I will always help my kids, always.

I was raised spoiled and as an only Child yea I got everything I wanted .. But that was wrong.. I know better now ..I'll make my kids earn whatever they get .. They will learn the lesson of VALUING What is theirs


Well-Known Member
Using bribes to get them to finish school/accomplish something is one thing, but my friends kid is a lump..won't get off his ass to take a dump if he could get out of it.. one of those never do chores, go to store ..etc kids.. just Waa I want............:finger:
True true! I do make my kids work and do chores....I always would tell them that need to be in the yard with me pulling their weight, they live here too. They are good boys, I really can't complain. I am aware I have cushioned their life, but, mine was too. I am hoping that they will be good husbands, fathers and providers one day and then they can do this with their own kids....it is like a cycle, it just keeps going round!

I bought my son a car, he had to have this certain car, I wanted to shop around but no he had to have that one. A month after he bought it there was trouble, he took it to the shop and they made it worse. Now he has a non running car and I get to hear about how I bought him a shitty car, there will be no more car buying.
I hear you, I got blamed for my youngest wrecking and totaling his Corolla...I have yet to figure out why I am to blame, but, I am!!


Well-Known Member
I was raised spoiled and as an only Child yea I got everything I wanted .. But that was wrong.. I know better now ..I'll make my kids earn whatever they get .. They will learn the lesson of VALUING What is theirs
...Says the 40 something retired man, lol..................j/k