Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
That is messed up.

Shows we are still a part of nature whether we like it or not. I live out by the woods. I keep an eye on my kids, even when they are out with the horses. Nature, (tho I love her), is red in tooth and claw......(Keats, I think)


Well-Known Member
I would think a kid who lived in Austrailia would be edcuated in the dangers of crocodlies. Poor kid.
That is what I thought when I read it. My sister n law is from Australia and she is terrified of crocs. When she comes here for visits she gets very nervous on my lanai because of the gators. She never swims anywhere other than pools, she always says if you grow up in Australia you know better.
I feel for the parents, I could not imagine what that would be like. He was a cute little boy.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Sad news about the boy and crocodile. I could not imagine living near killer animals. There is enough in this world to worry about for our kids.

After Work n Bake, Fire it uP. :mrgreen:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear $. When will you start growing again? :mrgreen:
probably not for a while. Given how busy i've been lately i'd probably forget about the plants and kill them and i'm moving in the summer so the soonest would be like august.

which in turns means i either have to buy (which i have done in years) or go dry.


Well-Known Member
Have a puff for me.....
Woo hoo.. got all my papers now to do taxes...... pick up paper tomorrow..do taxes and in about 10 days $$$$$$... I hope its enough to get a comp or at least a camera that will work on this comp....
My taxes are done and the money is already spent. The irony is I used my tax refund to pay my property tax on my house, so I really didn't see a penny!:(:(:( One tax refund for one tax payment..........


Well-Known Member
My taxes are done and the money is already spent. The irony is I used my tax refund to pay my property tax on my house, so I really didn't see a penny!:(:(:( One tax refund for one tax payment..........
I'm at the other end of that.. I don't pay a cent in taxes..... but I get about 1/2 of the taxes that the landlord pays on my apt.. plus I get $$$ for living alone....