Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone!

Vette how old will you be?

Twisty, Puff was talking about a forum she is running.....we all want IN! If you pm her she will give you the link....I am waiting for her to send it to me.

How many other forums does everyone else actively belong too? I belong to 4 others, mostly bird stuff....


Well-Known Member
I belong to 1 other one, but I pretty much never go there, all my friends are here.
On my bird forums I am active. It keeps me in the loop with the bird world. I have even met quite a few posters from there. This one chick drove to my house from Miami to help me with behavior issues with Ozzie! She was something, I have never seen someone do what she does, she amazed me! I am always worried they will find out I am on here and then they will know I am a stoner, lol.


New Member
Ah, we be friends....... now, let's rip it up ....... bongsmilie

I'm watching the news, I have to smoke a lot of weed to not get depressed.

Angeline Jolie is "creeped out" by the octuplet mom having all that surgery to look like her !!!


Well-Known Member
Ah, we be friends....... now, let's rip it up ....... bongsmilie

I'm watching the news, I have to smoke a lot of weed to not get depressed.

Angeline Jolie is "creeped out" by the octuplet mom having all that surgery to look like her !!!

My kids are here so Im watching Sponge BoB Square pants .. Im leaving to take them home at 1:30.. Then China and I can Knock some boots