Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Funny, I have a plant nursery and that's pretty much what I do all day....stare at them. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Nursery OK, but I can't stare in my closet all day, well I could but then I'd be insane....:lol:

The only push up im doing is when China Cat is under me .. Other than that , I see no reason
Put bong over there and do sit ups to reach it.... hey... got to start somewhere.......;-)

long? 17mins seems so quick
OOOOHHHH....!!! Minutes..... shit I thought he said 17 mm...:fire:

You beast you......... :bigjoint:


New Member
Sometimes when i was younger and single, I would get a little nervous when it came to bed time. If this happens to you...

Sex Tip #42: Try and picture your partner with clothes on.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
WOW... I just called health Canada for MM card form.. I got a person on 1st ring....
kit will be here in two weeks.. Damn... she was the nicest Gov. worker I ever spoke too.......