Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Hi miss, Sunny..:hug::hug: all..I'm around, but its got real slow here laterly in our part of the site.........

Actually I saw a health show that said that lower weight people get MORE injuries when the start running as the heavy people's knees are kind of used to stress just from the weight itself and normal day to day impact..

Rorer..714 or was it 711... 14 I think... been awhile..
they were rorer and then lemon bought out rorer and then leon went out of business. they are manufactured in south africa.
They are now marketed under the name Mandrax


New Member
Whats Up Tips , We are getting snow 1st then Ice , I dont care ,, Im warm and indoors .. Whats new with you ?
hell I'm cold...I keep it pretty cold in here...I have to fight those women I live with about the heat. I put a programable thermostat in and you can't adjust without putting in the code.



Well-Known Member
hell I'm cold...I keep it pretty cold in here...I have to fight those women I live with about the heat. I put a programable thermostat in and you can't adjust without putting in the code.


we keep ours set at 66..... and I usually have a fleece on .. Im toasty

Whats Up Twisty