FYI, if you use generic eye drops specifically artificial tears made marketed by EzriCare or Delsam, the FDA and CDC has issued warnings about discontinuing their use due to possible contamination. No other brand has been implicated yet. Mostly these were available thru Amazon. I've used these for several years without issue. Just lucky on my part, I guess. (FWIW, Amazon issued me credit for the past couple of shipments when I asked for it, no problem)
"The specific strain behind the outbreak — dubbed Verona Integron-mediated Metallo-β-lactamase (VIM) and Guiana-Extended Spectrum-β-Lactamase (GES)-producing carbapenem-resistant (VIM-GES-CRPA) — is so rare that the agency has never seen it before in the U.S."
Global Pharma's eye drops have been linked to a U.S. outbreak which has led to at least five people losing their vision.
Interesting and revealing book about the generic pharmaceutical industry of India (where most of the USA's generic drugs of all kinds come from.) BOTTLE OF LIES - The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom - By Katherine Eban
-21f where I am. Waked, baked, added some oil to my coffee, and ready to settle in to some tunes and some soccer this morning. Love a wake and bake on a quiet Saturday.
Still a lot of sleet with ice on top in my yard, North side of the hill where we live gets hardly any Sun until next month. Knee bends done, dogs out and back, and fed. Wife’s up!
Folgers Custom Blend in the Fat Bottom and Arizer Air loaded with my own cross.
49* later gonna help.
Awake way too early again. Don't know where this 0430 wake up call is coming from. Someone go turn on the coffee pot, it's warm under this blanket and I don't want to get up.
growing up in the 50s and 60s was great for a kid. all that land just living it's best life. i could wander around the local forests and never bump into anybody else. never had a concern or fear of strangers. parents were mostly unconcerned about what we did as long as we were home by dark.
the ponds, rivers, streams, brooks, cricks, whatever they were called in your area, all clear and full of life. playing hide and seek in huge corn fields. the farmers would let you wander around and enjoy the animals. the silence, the wind through the branches. i can close my eyes and see and smell the life