Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Happy father's day! 48° this morning.......nice!

How's everyone feeling today?
Everything tastes like diesel, I'm deaf in one ear. Mount Kleenex may soon become a tourist destination. Other than that, Happy Father's Day!
My wife has not put hers up this year, she's worried about bird flu spreading if they use the same feeder.
Just make sure it gets cleaned with boiled water every few days.

I took all my feeders down for the summer, for that reason. Plus they have plenty of natural stuff to eat now. Come fall I'll resume feeding.

I'm also not buying anything except for sunflower seeds and peanuts from now on. That other stuff is filler that most birds won't touch, so it winds up on the ground attracting 4 legged critters.

I have never tried a Hummingbird feeder...They kind of freak me out a little, like huge bees!!
I took all my feeders down for the summer, for that reason. Plus they have plenty of natural stuff to eat now. Come fall I'll resume feeding.

I'm also not buying anything except for sunflower seeds and peanuts from now on. That other stuff is filler that most birds won't touch, so it winds up on the ground attracting 4 legged critters.

I have never tried a Hummingbird feeder...They kind of freak me out a little, like huge bees!!
Allergies are slowly killing me today. Can't even smoke, plus getting high just muddles things.
Woke up 6 times to cough and blow my nose, sinus headache, feels like early flu symptoms but I know its alleries.
If I get in a car and drive somewhere, it goes away. :(
Dude, I am in the same situation. I am waiting for my scripts ; just came from urgent care. Sinus infection . Doc was super cool and scripted me steroids, inhaler , antibiotic and Sudafed . I tested neg for the flu which he said is going around big time now. I have never had such bad allergies in my life and can’t breath at night and now the sore throat and coughing. He said my body is in overdrive because I also had my booster a few weeks ago. I will be glad to get out of the valley soon. It’s real polluted here . I hope you get better soon. I have been home testing for covid and I am always neg. The chest pressure is painful. Happy Father’s Day. Take care!
Dude, I am in the same situation. I am waiting for my scripts ; just came from urgent care. Sinus infection . Doc was super cool and scripted me steroids, inhaler , antibiotic and Sudafed . I tested neg for the flu which he said is going around big time now. I have never had such bad allergies in my life and can’t breath at night and now the sore throat and coughing. He said my body is in overdrive because I also had my booster a few weeks ago. I will be glad to get out of the valley soon. It’s real polluted here . I hope you get better soon. I have been home testing for covid and I am always neg. The chest pressure is painful. Happy Father’s Day. Take care!
Get well soon. I'm sorry about all the stress you've been subjected too. It's hard to be healthy when you are being stressed to the max.